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"it's funny, how I used to stay in hospital while you take care of me. now, you are here but in coma, its my time to take care of you, baby" you kissed his forehead.

you took a wet towel and squeeze it to dried it alittle bit. you slowly pat it on Mingyu's handsome face, around his forehead and his features.

You analyse his face while he is sleeping in coma. "you look relax and at ease,bet you have a nice dream." you slowly swept his hair out of his face. "I miss you Mingyu." you sobbed quietly.

"it's been a week since you were here. shouldn't you already awake by now?" you gripped tight on his hands hopefully he will wake up.

"I will take care of you to the fullest when you awake. I promise, Mingyu-ah. Please, wake up"

you cried quietly. you saw his hands make a little move. he tried to squeeze your hands back to show that he is awake.

"oh my goodness, Mingyu! Doctor! he's awake!"

a group of nurses and doctor rushed inside the room. "miss can you step out for a second, we have to check the patient now." one of the nurse kindly told you off. you nodded and step out from the room.

"I need to call mom"

you dialed her speed number which is number 1, and waiting for her to pick up. the call finally connected after a few ringing. "mom, Mingyu already awake!" you accidentally shouted a little in excited.

"you must be excited right now, honey. I'm on my way to the hospital actuall-" the call cutted off after you heard a loud crashing car at your mom location.

"Hello, mom! hello!" you tried to reconnect the call back but it goes straight to voicemail.

"oh lord, is she in accident just now? oh my god, I hope not" your tears make a comeback around your eyes and slowly brought you to tears.

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