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I'm sorry but there's some triggered scene or I could say rape scene. so if y'all ain't comfortable with it, I will let you know with this ⚠️ sign.

Mingyu have been suspicious of you. You tried to build a wall as if for him to not cross over it. Mingyu thought that you maybe want to have alone time by yourself. so he didn't came to your house for weeks. you felt thankful that he take the hints and left you alone for a while.

You remember the first night when you 7 years old, your mom need to go overseas to work. You and your father alone at your home. You are not that close to your father than to your mom. you love him but something keep intrigued you that something might happened tonight, but you just shake the thoughts.


you and your father were at the living room, watching some channel in the television. You felt his hands on your thighs, but you just let him do it because you thought that maybe he want to get close to you. unfortunately, his hands goes higher and higher until you felt his hands on your upper leg which is nearer to your private part. being a little child, with no energy, what do you expect? your father gripped hard on your thighs, yelp eventually came out from your mouth. you tried to get his hands off from your thighs, but of course failed. you whimper when he suddenly hovering you. "don't scared baby, I won't bite" he disgustingly kissed your neck and bit onto it. you whimper as you tried harder to push him off of you. That just anger him. he slapped accrosed your face, left a handprint with red marks. "DONT MOVE!" he shouted. he rushingly took of his pants and slided his thing into yours. You feel awful, you shouted painfully. "s-stop" tears staring to trickle down on your cheeks.

at that time, you believe miracle does exist. your mom pushed past the entrance door, witnessing what your father did to you on the couch. she yelled at the top of her lungs. she pushed your father away from you. you felt yourself got carry on someone arms. you looked up to see your mom, with tears as well. "I'm sorry, dear for not protecting you" she whispered. before she went into the entrance door earlier, she manages to call the polices since she heard yelling from inside. your dad quickly fix his pants and about to ran away but when he stepped out from the door, polices arrived and aimed the gun to him. your mum ushered him out to the polices before explaining to the police what just happened. the polices asked you a few questions, to confirm the situations. surprisingly, you still had the energy to talk after what just happened. the polices brought your father, to the police station. your mom turn your head, softly toward her. "are you hurt, darling? where did you hurt?" she choked on her tears. seeing her like this, made you broke infront of her. "m-mom I feel dirty" you hugged your mom tightly. "don't worry, honey. he will not see you again neither mom, okay?" you nodded tiredly.

the sound of television filled the silence. your mom bathed you with her red eyes. she touch softly to your red marks both on your neck and your cheeks. tears once again covered her cheeks."I'm sorry you had to go through this" she hugged you. you smiled faintly. since that you barely leave your house. you skipped your school for 4 months because of the traumatic events. you couldn't face boys or man and you oftenly had panic attack when you saw man or boys. After you started the middle school, recovering the past 4 months of you left the school. Lucas came up to you and tried to become your friend. you always said that you don't need one, but he kept following you, you gave up and let him be your friend. Lucas is the only one your friend. you happy with him and you never felt scared with him. you feel safe in his arms. when you have a hard time, he lent his shoulders to you for you to cry, after that he will listen to your problems. you told him about what happened, and he understands and never judge you. that's why he protect over you when it come to boys or man. but he said that he trust Mingyu since he is a mature man. you glad that he accept your relationship with Mingyu. you will suicide yourself if Lucas ever left you alone. but you know he will never do that.

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