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a quick author notes: this chapter hit well with Dokyeom song, Missed Connection. You should try and listen to it while reading this. it really help you connect with this chapter. okay, enjoy reading.

today is Saturday which meant you can relax and enjoy your weekend. but you know you couldn't after the nightmares keep wake you up at night. you felt alone without Mingyu but you know it's your fault for ignoring him because of the stress you held on. you barely talked to Lucas but what you know is that he started dating Winwin and you sometimes saw them acted flirty with each other. you smiled whenever you saw them, it's make you smile knowing Lucas happy by now.

you make your way outside from your apartment to go to collect letter from inbox. now you realised, you hadn't went out after the nightmares you had. you unlocked the letter box and took all of your letters and quickly went into your apartment, not really wanting to face any neighbours.

I know it's rude.

you sighed and placed the letters on your coffee table infront of the television but one letters caught your attention. you sat down on the couch, where you always sat with Mingyu. you shake the thoughts of that. you picked up the letters, which wrote your name and address. you shred the letter and what's inside of it, frightened you. with shaking hands, you tried to examine the pictures.

it's the pictures of you with Mingyu. When you first let him in your apartment, the first kiss you two shared, when you were cuddling with him, when you spend the time alone with Mingyu in his classroom.

Please let this be a joke.

you covered your face with the palms of your hands. tears starting to form in your eyes. an ink with a messy handwriting was written on the A4 paper, folded nicely. your eyes narrowed on each of the words.

the tears that be held strongly, broke away when the sender's name was under it. you can't believe this really happening. you can't tell anyone about this. if you did, you and Mingyu will be dead! this is threaten letter. you shivered when your fingers came acrossed the name.

No way! he should not be released by now, right? how should I face him?

you gripped the letter while your tears trickling down like a strong wave of river.

I'm begging you god, please let this be another nightmare! let me wake up tomorrow with no worries.

the letter wrote;

you think you could get away with this when I went into jail? because of you, my life now is miserable! look what I found honey, you are in love with your teacher and even have a guts to have a relationship with him. are you not scared? how about we make an agreement. I will shut my mouth if you broke up with him. or I will show all of this pictures to your principle and get your little boyfriend go to jail because he's in relationship with minor. choose wisely dear. and one more things, keep your mouth shut, if I heard anyone talk about me threatening you, you know the consequences, baby. see you very soon.

at the right time, a sudden notifications sounds from your phone startled you. you shivered one again and scowled loudly.

the text from anonymous :
I bet you already saw the letter, right honey?

the one and only person you despise, and the only person who are ruining your life by raping you.

Dad, I hate you!

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