↦ 8

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A few days passed quickly than you thought. Each days filled in with happiness and joy as you and Mingyu always hanging out in your apartment. with his sweet gestures to you, how couldn't you keep falling hard for him?

it's 3 in the morning already, but you couldn't asleep at all. you tried to tossed yourself around the bed to find the peace of asleep but you can't.

you felt insomnia again. these days, you slept well and perfectly fine but today is a different day. that nightmare keep crawling back at you when you about to sleep.

the one biggest secret, that you hadn't told anyone yet except for mom and Lucas. You kept this secret away from anyone because you know they will judge you from your past. Its not like you need to tell anyways, it just embarrassing to you.

and the worse thing is, you kept this secret from Mingyu. you know you should trust him but you scared that he might leave you behind after you tell the truth.

this wild thoughts of mingyu leaving you, making you shedding tears. you whimpered slightly as the nightmare came back. you curled inside of your blanket like a baby who was just born.

you tried to ignore the feelings of it. you kept your eyes shut completely, erasing the the pictures and scenes. Eventually you asleep after that.

You woke up by the smooching kisses all over your face. you know who it is by the way they acted. "hey gyu" you tiredly said.

"hey, love. you look so tired and your forehead is heating. you are hot!" he exclaimed not noticing how weird the phrases is.

"I know I'm hot, gyu" you winked tiredly at him. he snorted at that. "all jokes away, love. you have fever. I just done making your porridge when you asleep. so you need to eat" he helped you by supporting your back since you couldn't do much.

He helped you leaned your body towards your headboard. "now ahh" he childishly acted. he slowly blow it for you and feed you like you were some his child.

looking at him acting all sweet towards you, make you feel miserably guilty.

I lied to you, mingyu

you watched him staring at you as you two gaze towards each other eyes in pure love. "I love you, love" he soft smiled and leaned forwards to kiss you on your hot fore head.

"I know, gyu. I love you too" you slipped one tears away from your eyes, as you couldn't helped it.

"no no no, why are you crying, love" he grazing his slender finger across you soft facial, wiping the tears away.

"nothing. I just feel lucky to have you by my side" you truthfully said. your heart aching badly inside of you as your guilty of not telling him grow.

"its the other way, love. I am lucky to have you" he kissed you on your lips, lovingly. all of your worries and guilty flew away as he attached his gorgeous lips on yours.

"now stop with that sad feelings of yours and finished the porridge" he feed you some more which you gladly accept it with happy grin.

"is it good?" you happily nodded at him. his porridge is what you treasured more in the future.

I'm sorry mingyu, I don't deserve you, darling

It's our secret [Kim Mingyu Seventeen X Reader] ON GOINGWhere stories live. Discover now