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you frantically punch the wall to let your anger out. you currently in your apartment after uttering the words to Mingyu. you know, it hurts both of you but you had to do this or you two will get busted.

you picked up your phone and quickly dial your mom. fortunately, she answers the call and answers calmly.

"Hello?" your mom said in her usual soft voice, make you want to cry harder.

"m-mom, d-dad... he just got out from jail" you breathed out, breathless.

"what?" after the word get out from your mom's mouth, the call went silent. you thought it was already cut off but realised that it still connected. Probably your mom trying to comprehend what you just said.

"yes, he got out from jail and he..." you trailed off quietly, not wanting to tell her.

"what darling?! did he try to assault you again?!" your mom shrieked, panicking.

"no-no, mom. he just... blackmailing me, that's all."

"y/n! you need to report this to the police or it'll get worse!"

"NO MOM! I'm begging you not to say anything about this to the police! I AM THE ONE WHO WILL GOT IN TROUBLE!" you begging her, not caring about how you just raising your voice towards her.

"honey, there must be something really important, right? I will go to your apartment now" you heard ruffling noises on the other side of the phone, which means your mom is outside from her house to get you.

"okay" you ended the call while sighing. tears that be waiting to fall, finally sliding down your cheeks. you lay down on your mattress while you facing towards the other spaces. the spaces that once fill in with Mingyu presences. his smell Wa still there, it is making you miss him more than for you to move on.

maybe I should change the mattress later. I miss you

a knock finally cut down the silence erupted around you. you walk down to the front door and taking a deep breath. you open the door to see mom but no, it's someone else.


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