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After returning back home that day, both of them couldn't believe what they've said. They busy themselves to ignore the conversation and forget it.

But when at school, two of them seems to avoid each other which clearly obvious to Lucas.

"Seriously, what's going on between you and Mr Kim?" Lucas asked y/n when they sat at one of vacant bench to eat their lunch at school garden.

"what? nothing is going on" y/n munch on her sandwich, irritated.

"okay there's obviously 'nothing'" Lucas sassily quoted it.

y/n shouted out of irritating and annoyed.

"chill girl, no need to curse" Lucas eat his lunch quietly after your bursted out which scared him a little bit.

you felt guilty by shouting at him. so she hugged him. "there's absolutely things going on but I couldn't tell you now until I solve it by myself and I'm sorry for shouting at you" y/n kissed him on the cheek.

"I know you just stress but tell me everything after you solve it! pinky promise" Lucas said to you.

"pinky promise!" you hugged him tighter.

"we have to go class now" you told him and saw Mr Kim in the class by the window straight dead stare at you.

That send your body hot and shaking by the stare. you wondered what's make him acted like that and why.

you shrugged it and followed Lucas who calling you to go to class together.

when you entered class, you feel a different aura. it's somethings very rare for you to feel anything. you make eye contact with Mr Kim who eyeing you since you enter the class.

you are trying not to full of yourself but you really sure that he openly stared at your body, like he wanting to eat you right there and then.

"Am I the only one who feel this kind of air between you and Mr Kim?" Lucas asked you after gazing over you and Mr Kim who still staring at you.

"what the hell, no" you said in kind of whisper since you don't want anyone to hear.

"okay now we continue to our lesson. did any of you has revise our new chapter?"

everything seems fast at that day. you were really sure that you didn't doze in the class. and Lucas are being a good student which he is so focused to what teacher said.

but you are different, you couldn't focused at all. but all you could focused is his lips when he talk. how lovely when he placed his lips against yours. but that will never happen. thus, its against the rules. Either he got dismissed from school or you got expelled because you just harrased your teacher or both of it.

you just can't believed you thought of your teacher like that.

snap out of it, y/n! probably he have a girlfriend.

You sighed and tried to focus on what the teacher said. Teacher's gaze went to your eyes and you couldn't figured out what's on his mind.

He continued the lesson until the class finished. Gladly it's the last class.

You were about to leave the class with Lucas until Mr Kim called you out.

"y/n" he said with his deep voice.

You told Lucas to go back home without her. and he nodded before winked at you.

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