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"y/n!" your friend, Lucas, shouted your way.

You keep your head down while walking to him. "can you please shut your freaking cow mouth?" you said in a hushed tone.

"aye, don't be shy~" he clinged his arms around your neck.

"I'm not shy! I'm embarrassed by your loud voice, for god sake!" you glared at him.

"Aww, don't make that face. Let me squish you!" he put both of his hands on your face while stretching the hell out of your cheeks.

"oww!" you slapped his hands off your face and walked away with him tailing behind your back like a puppy.

You shake your head left and right at his behaviour.

You and Lucas are like a twin. Lucas had always stuck by you like glue. But people sometimes mistake us for being a couple. Lucas has another crush, and you are just a potato. No crush, no boyfriend.

"Finally, our final class, Math!" Lucas shouted, but everyone in the class had already used to his scream. So they didn't mind him much.

"y/n, y/n," Lucas poked you by your shoulder to annoy you.

"What?" you growled quietly as you tried to finish your homework because you were too lazy to make it at home.

"let's go on a date after class."

You know, date means hanging out after class. Which you always did with him.

"Sure" you rolled your eyes when he did a little celebration beside you.

You heard murmuring and whispering around your class. so you were getting curious as to what they were talking about. You lifted your head and saw someone gorgeous- no, ethereal in front of your class.

Who is this?

Your heart was pounding hard as you looked at his features. His muscles, face and lips are tempting, making you want to kiss him.

His eyes wander around the class to make eye contact with each student. But his eyes stuck on one person, y/n.

You and the mysterious man made eye contact briefly for 3 seconds before he broke eye contact. You felt connections between you and him.

And you sure, he felt it too.

What the hell was that?

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