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"yes sir" you stood infront of him as he towering you.

"what's wrong with you today? did you feel sick?" he concerned melt your heart but you were beyond confused as to why he asked you like that.

"what's making you to ask me like that?" you lifted your gaze into his eyes.

"I heard you sighed so I think you have something in your head? if something I could help, I will try?" he volunteered.

"it's something you couldn't help with" you mumbled quietly.

"what do you mean? is it something that only Lucas could solve your problems?" he tsked.

You don't know if you were imagining things but you were confirmed that's sound annoyed in his tone.

"no, and why would he?" you asked him out of curious.

"he is your boyfriend" he said deadly annoyed with it.

"Pfft- what?!" you laughed loudly. but still you can control or your snort probably came out.

"what?" he gritted his teeth.

"he is not my boyfriend!" you said with laugh in between.

"then what he is?" he slipped his hands around your waist, which make you stopped laughing and shock by his attitude.

"h-he just my bestie" you avoided his stare and just look at the black board behind him.

"and what am I to you?" he brushed his lips on yours and whispered dangerously in your ear. by now your ears turned red by his voice.

"you are my t-teacher" the word teacher slipped out of your mouth and it hurting you. the word teacher is something like a barrier in between your feelings on him.

"if I say I want to violent the rules and be with you instead, what you say?" he sincerely said it. His eyes shown sincere and completely want you and no one else.

"I want to be with you too" you said and felt his lips as he placed on yours, softly but tenderly.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who feel this way" he said in between the kiss.

"I resist you for weeks to not kiss you but now I can have you by myself" he truthfully speak with soft and sweet smile.

you had tears on your eyes like you couldn't believe it. "why are you crying, baby?" he wiped off your tears.

"Its miracle like how we like each other in secret in just several weeks but I'm already head over heels over you, Mr Kim." you let it out.

"It's not Mr Kim, when we are alone call me by my name" he said.

"Mingyu" you slipped out in between your lips.

"that's better. when you said my name, its like a lullaby to my ears. I think I just in love with angel" his eyes twinkle as he said that. he hugged you and you return it, inhaling his cologne.

"you know that we have a huge apart of ages?" Mingyu stated.

"age doesn't matter when it comes to love" you pecked his lips which make his smile widely.

"let me send you home" he offered.

"but doesn't it weird for you to send student to their home?" you asked him.

"yeah but it's already late and the teachers already went home by now, we shouldn't do this openly but we can keep it secret"

"sure, it's our secret" you smile sweetly.


double updates cause why not 😉

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