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you woke up in the arms of someone you love. what would you feel? of course, you love it. it's the same as y/n.

you love how his arms wrap securely around your small petite body. you can feel every inch of his muscle. you felt lucky to have him by your side. this is the moments you love.

"honey, wake up. you are going to discharge today." you told him, sweetly.

"give me 5 more minutes,please~" he cooed cutely to get more minutes to sleep. of course, you gave in. you hugged him again and play with his hair. he slowly fall back to sleep.

"aigoo, you always love to sleep." you snickered. "but I love you more." he replied, sleepily.

"yeah, yeah. I need to get up now. I'm going to buy for breakfast." you said while unattached his arms from your body.

"noo, don't go!" he tighten his grip. "gosh, you are such a baby. I need to find us foods before we leave. what you want, I will buy it. " you try to pry him with foods. you know his weakness is foods.

"uhm, just get me anything you want to eat." he replied. "Okay." you got up and stretched. Correcting your hair a little bit and chew a gum, so your breath will get minty.

"wait here, gyu!"


"what can I get for you?" the cashier lady asked. "can I get a cup of  hot cappuccino and ice latte?"

"yes, sure. please sit down first and the waiter will send it to your table."

"thank you" you sat at one of the table at the corner and patiently wait. you scanned the cafe. its actually your first time in this cafe. its located nearby the hospital so it's convenient for you.

"hey, y/n!" you heard a familiar voice calling for your name. you freezed as you finally recognised the voice. its no other than... Jake.

"you y/n, right? remember me?"

of course, I remember you, idiot.

"oh yeah, of course I remember you. you are my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me behind my back." you sarcastically said.

"hey, don't be harsh." he annoyed.

"this is your order, miss." the waiter said.

thank god, such a right timing, huh.

"thank you." you said towards the waiter and left the cafè without giving him a glance.

way to ruin my day, Jake.

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