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Morning has finally come, with you in the arms of you treasure and loves so much. But soon your dreamy thought cut off by the sound of someone knocking on the door.

"Who in the the hell come this early in the morning?" You rubbed your eyes multiples times to get rid off the sleepiness.

You turned to your left to see mingyu sleeping peacefully. You smiled at the sight of him.

Ahh i really want to take a picture of him! But i have to open the door. Ugh!

You take a quick look on yourself in the mirror and you heard another knocking.

"Wait up!" You shouted to the person behind the door.

You still kinda mad to whomever come in the morning!

"Yes, can i help y-" your eyes widen at the sight of him. "Jake!"

"Yes baby" he said flirtatious and smirk at you. "Didn't know you still live in the same house. I must be lucky to find you here."

"What the hell! Get out!" You furiously said once he invited himself inside the house.

"What? This once my house too." He said.

"Jerk! Who said so?! As i remember we broke off our relationship!" You shut him off.

"Baby, i feel hurt. Don't you remember we always had a good time? Do you really think remember how bad i was before and not even thinking how we even had a really good memories? Im deeply hurt, baby" he put his hands on his chest, to show how hurt he is.

You tsk-ed "the day when i know you cheated behind my back, at that time, i made up my mind you are not a nice person. Instead, you are a terrible person i've ever met."

"I know! I made mistakes once and everyone need a second chance!" He grip on my shoulder,not too hard.

"There's no second chances when it comes to me." You arrogantly said.

He deserve that. Dont feel bad, y/n!

"Please, take me back. I still love you. Don't you ever love me a little bit after i left?"

"There's no left loves for you. It's just only for me." You heard a voice behind him to see Mingyu leaning towards the wall with crossed arms.

"Who are you?!" He glared to Mingyu.

"Oh how rude of me. I'm Mingyu as known as y/n's boyfriend." He went to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Huh?! There is no way you are her boyfriend! Right, y/n?!" He looked at you.

"There's no explaining for you, Jake. It is what its looks like" you said to him and hug Mingyu sideways.

"What?! No! You cant have anyone else beside me!" He stepped forward to you and forcefully pulled you with your wrist.

"Hey, calm down man!" Mingyu released his grip on your wrist.

"Who are you to stop me?!" Jake face to face with Mingyu.

"Like i said, buddy. She's mine." Mingyu smirked.

"You are so confident with it, Mingyu" now it's Jake's turn to smirk.

"What?" He calmly said.

"Do i need to explain by myself? I know what you guys hiding from"

Your breath stuck as you heard those sentences. You worryingly look at Jake's eyes, to see if he joking with us.

Jake look at our intertwined hands. "The facts that you guys hiding this student and teacher relationship and magically i found out" his smirked get wider as he noticed our trembling figures.

"What? Cat caught your tongue?" He laughed like a devil.

"Remember this once i run my mouth about this around the school, both of you gotta packed things and get lost. So i better advise you two, to pack things early so that it will not take much times when i tell your principal. Be ready." He said and went out.

Author's notes
It's getting heat!

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