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"are you already packing your clothes?" you asked him as soon as you arrived at his room.

"yeah." he nodded and smiled. you put the cakes and drinks on the table and sat beside him on the bed. he wrapped his bulky arms around your waist. "what did you bought?" he said while one of his arms reaching towards the plastic bag.

"chocolate cake!" he exclaimed loudly and looked over you. "what's wrong? you have been awfully quite since you came in. tell me" he put aside the cakes and hold both of your hands.

your eyes still looking at his and your hands held together. "look at me" he said softly, yet hold a strict voice behind those words.

your eyes bored in his loving  eyes. "I met him" you said trailling the words slowly. "who?" he raised an eyebrow, expecting for you to answer him.

"my ex-boyfriend"

"did he do something to you?!" his eyes wide open as he asked or more like shouted.

"no, no, he didn't." you shake your head to deny it.

"okay, then? so why are you in such a bad mood?" he slowly carresing his fingers against the back of your hands to soothe you.

"I hate him and he even had the guts to talk to me after what had he'd done before as if he haven't done anything wrong. it's frustrating!" you suppressed your voice as low as you can, so that you will not cause a scene at the hospital.

He chuckled and suddenly he laughed out loud. "HAHAHAHA" he continued to laugh like crazy as if you have told him something funny.

"Hey! I'm being serious here!" you scrunched your nose, annoyed.

"okay, I-I'm sorry. it just that you look so cute yet f-funny!" he grin like an idiot. you narrow your eyes towards me. "funny, huh?" you pushed him away and sat at the chair. "you are forbidden to eat this chocolate cakes. I will take both!" you grin as you see his laugh falters.

"hey! don't play dirty! it's mine!" he said standing up and snatch his chocolate cake and bite on it like it was a bread.

You shook your head at his behaviour.

he's an idiot but he's my idiot.

you giggles softly at the thought while looking at him choke down his cake as if you are going to steal it. "hey hey, slow down, or you get choke!" you said worriedly.

"I'm fine" he throw me a childish smile after swallow the cake.

Author notes: 9 July 21
Umm surprise? Lmao I can't sleep and I kept tossing around to get some nice sleep but I can't ugh. 😪 Anyways here the updates.

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