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your body got thrown on the wall very hard. you winced painfully, "s-stop" your father stand proudly at the side watching you getting beaten by his men. you were very sure you are gonna die in here without anyone knowing.

everyday you get beaten and sometimes you have to starve yourself because your father didn't give you foods. it's been a weeks since you 'live' here.

I miss mingyu and my mom. did they even search for me?

you already gave up on them. you really sure that they can't even find you and eventually give up on you. you were in denial of that thoughts but everyday you wait for anyone to help you, there's none. at this current state, you don't even care of you die right here and there.

your body limped and numbed by all those beat. all of the men went out from your 'room'. you shrieked as your father forcefully grasp your hair and slammed your face on the floor.

blood gushing out of your nose. the corner of your mouth was cover with purple and red bruised. your hands got a lot of cuts. you can't even recognized yourself anymore.

there's no more the old y/n, the smiley and cheerful y/n. it's now gloomy and bruised body y/n.

"now, you learn your consequences. I've wonder where those people who you love so much. oh baby, they already forgot you and abandon you." he said in rage.

you spat on his face. he wiped it and smirk at you. "no foods for three days" he went outside and whisper something towards his men. the two men who guarded you, throw you some nasty and disgusting smile.

"don't you dare touch me, you two filthy men!" you shouted as loud as you can. they get nearer you with smirk still displayed on their faces.

you closed your eyes, almost giving up on it. your tears striking down against your cheeks like a river. you whimpered as you feel their hands went up to your chest and your thighs.

please god help me, I don't want this.

You feel their hands on you gone by seconds. you opened your eyes to see Mingyu, standing furiously and glaring to the men.

He charged his ways towards the men and punch them hard on their face. Mingyu is on top of one of the men and pucnh him real good.

You saw one of the other men behind mingyu while holding a brick behind his back. you saw it happened like a flash. you couldn't screamed and telling mingyu about the men behind his back. something invisible seems to choke you and you couldn't utter any words.

you saw mingyu on the floor with bloody head gushing out of his head with both of his eyes closed. your eyes widen at the sight. "no no no, MINGYU!"

as if on cue, a police siren erupted the whole mood. few of the polices storm inside the room and handcuffed the men. one of the female officers untied the rope around your wrist.

Your wrist is burning with how tied the rope around your wrist but you didn't care about it. the paramedic ran inside the room and carrying mingyu on the roller bed and put him inside the ambulance.

"let me come with him!" you begging the officers. "no you can't, I'm sorry" she shook her head and head towards the police car.

"let me bring you to the hospital!" your mom hugged you tightly and bring you to her car.

nothings gonna happen towards mingyu

you repeated the thought multiples times with the hope Mingyu will making out alive.

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