Chapter 39 ???

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"Like what you see?" he said with tired eyes and a cheeky smirk. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, turning back around on my side. This is embarrassing. I need to pretend I'm not embarrassed. I should be mad at him, but I can't help falling weak to those eyes. I felt a soft hand brush across my side, and it sent chills down my spine. "Can we talk?" he whispered quietly. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to untwist the knot in my stomach from the anxiety that those three words made me feel. I couldn't even pull words together to say anything to him. "Look at me," he said softly. I turned around. I couldn't help myself from doing what he wanted. "Hey," he said with a small chuckle. "Are you still drunk?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Maybe a little tipsy, but I'm conscious enough to know that our fighting is stupid," he smiled then looked in my eyes, biting his lip. I nodded in response, looking away. I was weak to those eyes. I have to keep myself away from those eyes.

I looked back at his eyes. "What is happening?" he asked, pain obviously in his voice. I sighed. "In all honesty. I have no idea... everything is just so complicated," I responded. This time he was the one to sigh. "Can we at least say things are sort of okay between us? Even if it's just as friends for now?" he asked, an apologetic look in his eyes. I bit my lip, looking away for a second to collect my thoughts.

Friends? Just... friends? How can I talk to him every day and ignore everything between us. Maybe I'm just overthinking...

"Yeah," I spoke up, "Friends."

...This was awkward. I woke up being nose-to-nose with Newt. I could hear AND feel his breathing. I felt his hand on my waist, his thumb moving gently in his sleep. Someone cleared their throat beside me and I jumped, startled. I looked over at Thomas. "Fun night?" he said in a raspy voice, obviously trying to clear the air. I quickly brushed Newt's hand off of me and sat up, scooting away. "Uhm- no- I just-" I cleared my throat to stop me from stuttering. "I'm joking," he cocked an eyebrow, the smallest smirk playing on his lips. "Right... right," I reassured myself. He scoffed, a small laugh following behind it. "Things don't have to be weird. We can.. be friends?" he basically offered to me. I nodded my head. "Yeah.. friends," I said with a gentle smile. He bit his lip, looking down. I felt guilt wash over me. I am literally the worst person ever right now. "Well if they're both your friends, you always have me," Minho sat up with a smirk, winking at me. A small panic washed over my face.. until Thomas started laughing. Then Minho started laughing and I felt relief. I couldn't help but laugh with them. "What in the bloody hell is so fucking funny this early in the morning?" Newt grumbled, turning over and covering his ears. I covered my mouth, trying not to let another laugh escape. I tried my best to suppress it, but laughed again as I realized Newt was definitely hungover. "Poor Newt. So grumpy because he had too much to drink," I gave a fake pout and giggled. Thomas and Minho chuckled. "Yeah you're all real fucking comedians aren't you?" he said with nothing but sarcasm. His grumpy voice was so hot..
like... y'know.. in a friend sort of way I guess.

I can't even deny my attraction to him anymore. It's like that one person you'll always have feelings for and you can't tell if they're your soulmate but they might as well be because you're stuck to them.. I don't know. All I know is that I really don't want to lose him.. again. He means a lot to me. I got up and walked away to get some space. I needed to be alone for a bit. I had way too much going on in my head.

-Newt's POV-
I watched her from a distance as she stood away from the rest of us, staring at the sky. I admired her figure and the way the sunlight hit her skin. Bloody hell she's gorgeous. But I can't think this way now. We're just friends... right?

I heard someone clear their throat in an obviously forced way. I turned my head to see that strange little girl staring at me. She had eyes that pierced into my soul. Like she could read my thoughts. Children are creepy. Especially the strange ones that (Y/N) decides to adopt off the streets. "What do you want ya lil bugger?" I asked her. She just stared at me with a concerned look. "Well come on. What are you staring at?" I pressed. She was still watching me. I sighed and shook my head, glancing back at where (Y/N) was still by herself. "What are YOU staring at?" a small voice brought my attention back to her. "I- nothing. Don't worry about it." I responded, all flustered that she was watching me watch (Y/N). She raised an eyebrow at me. Bloody Christ she already acts like (Y/N) too. "Well run along and mind your business," I shooed her off and she ran towards my girl- I mean (Y/N).. she ran towards (Y/N).

-Your POV-
I felt a small hand grab mine from beside me. Rosa was staring up at me with a small smile on her face. We stood in peaceful silence. Well.. for a moment we did, then Rosa broke it with a question: "What's a bugger?" My head snapped towards her before I could even come up with words to say. Oh dear god.

Idk how I feel about this chapter but I thought y'all deserved something so here ya go :) enjoy  ;)

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