Chapter 37

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-Newt's POV-

So my best friend seems to have feelings for my kind-of girlfriend and she is clueless to all of it, I think. Or maybe she likes him too? I don't know. This entire thing is confusing, and I don't like it. I want to talk to him about it, but at the same time: I don't. I feel like I'm going to explode. "Newt! Hey, Newt!" I heard Minho yelling from behind me. I ignored him and kept walking ahead until I felt someone push me, which caused me to stumble a bit. I was taken aback by it at first but then all of the rage built up inside me towards myself and Tommy decided to come up at once. I didn't know what I was doing until I had already done it. I didn't care who I was hitting or why I was hitting them, but my fist swung around and clocked whoever shoved me in the jaw. It happened to be Minho. "Hey, what the hell, man?!" Minho yelled. Next thing I knew we were in a fist fight even though I really had nothing to be mad at Minho about. 

-Your POV-

I was more shocked than anyone at what was happening in front of us. Minho and Newt were in a full on fist fight all because... Minho pushed him? I mean I'm sure that can't be the only reason but I also don't understand why they would be attacking each other like this. I was too in shock to even get involved, but Thomas did get involved. Why? I have no clue. Minho got out of the fight when Thomas stepped in. It seemed like Thomas was being the peacekeeper in the issue until Newt punched Thomas in the jaw just like he had with Minho, if not harder. Gally cracked his knuckles from beside me. "I need to get me some of this," he said as he started to go forward until I grabbed his arm and gave him a warning look. He sighed and crossed his arms. "Can I at least break the fight up? You and I both know that no one else will be able to," he said. I couldn't disagree. He was the only one strong enough to keep both of them apart from each other. I gave in. "fine, but don't throw any punches. You're more mature than that," I said and let go of his arm. He shot me a smirk. "No promises," he shouted as he ran up to break apart the fight. 

-Thomas's POV- 

I felt someone grab me by the back of my shirt and yank me away from my fight with Newt. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!" Gally yelled at us. I didn't say anything. Newt and I just glared at each other from the space between us that was set up by Gally. "Well, don't just look stupid! Explain yourselves!" he yelled, mainly focusing his attention on Newt. "I think we all know why I'm bloody mad at that shank, Gally! I don't need to explain shit to any of you!" Newt yelled. His voice was filled with so much rage. Everyone was taken back by it. "I don't know," a voice said from behind all of us. It was (Y/N)'s voice. In that moment it felt like everyone knew but her. How would anyone else know? "Bloody Christ, (Y/N), you can't be that absolutely clueless! Everyone but you can see that Thomas is in love with you!" Newt yelled. My stomach dropped. I can't believe he just said that to her. 

-Your POV- 

My brain was going so many different directions, I couldn't even think straight anymore. Does everyone really see this? I looked up at Thomas, who was looking back at me with a longing look in his eyes. I looked at Newt, then back at Thomas, who just nodded his head at the situation and walked away. Everyone was silent. Thomas was leaving. Where the hell did Brenda, Jorge, and Fry go during this? I have no clue but they weren't here either. Thomas's walk away turned more into a run the farther he got. "Thomas, wait!" I yelled after him but was pulled back by Minho. "Just leave it," he said in a comforting whisper as he embraced me in a warm hug. Why did all of this have to happen to me? Haven't I been through enough? I've lost my best friends, any family I've ever had, and any home I've ever lived in. What else can this awful world take from me? I looked up from Minho's hug. Newt was gone too, and Gally just stood there with his arms crossed and his head hung low. 

"Are you guys okay?" I heard a small voice ask. I pulled myself out of Minho's arms and looked down at a young girl. She was probably around 11 or 12 years old. She had big brown eyes and held a teddy bear that was missing one of its button-eyes. I bent down to meet her eye level. "Of course we're okay, sweetheart. But, are you okay?" I asked. She looked towards the ground and shook her head. "What's your name?" I questioned gently. "Rosa," she answered shyly. "Well, Rosa, where's your family?" I asked and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't have one," she said quietly, almost as if she was ashamed to not have any parents. "Any people you live with or could go to that would take care of you?" I asked her. My heart started to hurt for this little girl. She shook her head no in response to my question. "Well, Rosa, you have a family now." 


okay so... wow. SURPRISE!! You guys get a random update after so long. Also, I added a cast list before chapter 1 in case at any point you're confused or curious as to what the characters look like. Anyways, comment if you still want updates or whatever but if no one cares about this story anymore, I'll just leave it like this. STAY HEALTHY AND STAY INSIDE!! Love you guys <3

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