Chapter 25

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Your POV
Hours passed and no one had emerged from the medshack. It was like waiting in the hospital. They wouldn't let anyone else in there either. Ossian took a seat beside me, rubbing my back to soothe me, but it wasn't working. "He'll be okay," he tried to reassure. "We don't know that," I said blankly. I glanced over at the medshack, nothing was happening that we could see. I couldn't sit there anymore and let my thoughts get to me. I went to my room and laid down, slowly drifting off to sleep.

"(Y/N), wake up," a sobbing Newt was at my bed side. I sat up quickly. "What's going on?!" I said quickly. I ran out of my room and saw everyone walking around in tears. I ran into the MedShack only to find guys cleaning off the bed, no Mihno in sight. "Where is Mihno?" I asked, feeling my stomach twist. "He's gone," Gally said as tears rolled down his cheeks. I collapsed to the ground, sobbing. I had lost so many. Mihno was such a good person, he didn't deserve this. I ran out of the MedShack and made my way to the woods, where I continued to sob. I should have been out there with him. It should have been me, not my best friend.
I heard a twig snap and my head shot up. Newt, who was shirtless on a unicorn, reached his hand out to me. "Come with me," he said in a deep voice. I grabbed his hand and rode on his unicorn. As the unicorn flew into the sky, everyone chanted my name. We flew through the clouds and were met by Mihno Jesus. "Hi, (Y/N)," Mihno said as he hugged me tightly.

I felt someone shake me awake. "Mihno Jesus?" I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes. "What?" I was met by a chuckle. I opened my eyes to find Newt beside me. "Oh.. nothing," I said. So it was just a dream? That explains the unicorn. And the Mihno Jesus. "He's awake," Newt said softly, rubbing my arm. I shot up and ran out, making sure to grab Newt's hand as I did. We ran together to the MedShack. I pushed the door open and ran to Mihno's bed. "You're so stupid," I choked out before I started crying tears of relief. He rubbed my back gently and smiled at me weakly. "Nice to see you too," he chuckled, then coughed. "Take it easy, mate," Newt said from behind me. Mihno smiled and grabbed my hand, squeezing it gently. "Okay, don't want to do anything else that'll get you almost killed," Newt said as he took my hand from Mihno's, making us both laugh in response. Newt pat Mihno on the shoulder before snaking his arms around my waist. I rubbed Mihno's arm gently. "Alright, guys, let him rest," Thomas said as he walked in. I rolled my eyes and leaned back into Newt. I gave Mihno a small smile and wave before being led out by Newt.
Newt and I walked hand in hand around the Glade. "Did you have a dream or something? You were moving around a lot in your sleep," he said. My eyes widened but I shook my head. "No. Nope. I can't recall a dream I had," I said. He nodded slowly, almost as if he didn't believe me. "Okay," he said, "Well what would you like to do while we have no work?" I looked at him, taking in all his features. The way the sun hit his skin, the way his smile shined brighter than anything I've ever seen, the way he makes me forget all of the bad things going on. "I have something in mind," I grinned speeding up our walking pace.
We headed to the kitchen, grabbing some snacks we could find. We sneaked off to my room, dropping all the snacks into the bed. He laid on his side, giving me a cheeky grin. I couldn't help but lean down and attach my lips to his. Feeling his smile against my lips made my heart flutter. When we pulled away he immediately kissed my cheek before grabbing an apple and taking a bite of it. I grabbed the bowl of strawberries, taking a bite of a juicy one then feeding another to Newt. This was where I should be. No, not in the Glade, but with Newt. He made me feel safe. Safe from everything else.

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