Chapter 17

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Your POV
"TOMMY!!!! GALLY!! MIHNO!!!!" we heard a scream and knew it was Newt, but Gally wasn't here. It was me instead. We ran to him and I crouched beside his shaking body. "It's okay, Newt. Shhh... shhhh... I'm here," I said and pulled him close to me in a tight hug. "Please... please tell me it's just a nightmare," he whimpered out. "I wish I could," I said as tears threatened to pour down my cheeks. "Who did this to us?" he asked through gritted teeth while I gently rubbed his cheek with my thumb. "I think you know," I said to him and he buried his face in his hands. "I shouldn't have saved her. I should've let her die in that fire," he said angrily. "I'll get you guys out of here, I promise. But Teresa said in a note that it's much more dangerous and the way out has changed so... I guess for now you guys will have to show me how things worked around here," I said and Newt looked up at me. "I guess I'll have to give you a bloody tour, greenie," Newt said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

Newt and I walked around the "glade" and he told me about everything they did and all the jobs they had. It was all a lot to remember, but it's nothing I can't handle. Suddenly a loud siren filled the glade. "Is that the box?!" I yelled and Newt nodded, a look of worry covered his face as he limped over to the box. Mihno and Thomas ran to us and waited until the doors slid open. Frypan and Gally were asleep in the box. "She got them too," I said sadly as Thomas and Mihno jumped down to lift them both out. "Who else did she get?" I whispered to myself as I thought of the possibilities.

Jorge's POV
I was sitting with Vince, chatting about how well the haven was turning out, when Sonya and Harriet came running up to us. "Vince, Aris is missing," Sonya said, out of breath. "It's not just Aris. (Y/N), Newt, Thomas, Gally, Frypan, Harvey, other immunes that were reported missing, and...." Harriet stopped and looked as if she had put every piece together. "And who?" I pushed on, hoping Brenda wasn't taken too. "Teresa," Harriet said with a look of disgust on her face. "She told me. (Y/N) told me Teresa was watching her. She knew something was up," Harriet said and sighed. "People also reported seeing a WCKD berg flying away from the island," Sonya chimed in. "Shit," Vince bellowed, slamming his fist on the table. "We have to get them back," I said. "How?" Brenda asked behind me. I turned to face the young girl I saw as my own daughter. "We have no idea where WCKD and Teresa took them. It wouldn't be to the city, that's burned down. We have no way of tracking where they are," she said. It was true. We really do have no way to find them, but we can still try.

Your POV
Frypan was awake, muttering stuff to himself over and over in a whisper. He looked so scared and it hurt my heart. Gally was still asleep though, I'm afraid of what he'll be like when he does wake up. Thomas and Mihno were in some map room? That's what they called it. But it won't do them much good considering Teresa said she changed it. "NO!" I heard a yell come from the Medshack. I immediately knew it was Gally. When I got in there, Fry was already yelling for him to calm down while he pinned him down. Gally was slashing around and trying to push Fry off of him. "Gally, stop!" I yelled and he stop. "Why the hell am I here?" he asked between gritted teeth. I sighed before explaining everything to him.

Gally was furiously chopping a tree, Mihno and Thomas were still in the map room, Frypan was trying to calm himself by cooking, and Newt was pacing around checking everything. I just sat in the watch tower looking down at Newt. He looked so upset, and I don't blame him. He doesn't want to be here, none of them do. "Hey, (Y/N), you gonna help with something or are you just gonna sit there watching your boyfriend?" I heard Gally call from below the tower. I slightly blushed at the word 'boyfriend'. Honestly, Newt and I hadn't put any label on what we were, but we were something. I climbed down to Gally and he led me to some repairs he was making on some buildings.
It took us hours to repair everything and it was dark by the time we finished. I was ready to pass out and just sleep forever, but I knew I couldn't do that. Newt set up a hammock right beside his, but I crawled in his beside him anyways. I was almost asleep until I heard a loud high-pitched screech that made everyone sit up. "Was that a griever?" I asked, obviously only hearing of them and never actually hearing what one sounds like. The boys looked at each other in fright and confusion then Mihno looked at me. "No."

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