Chapter 6

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"What the hell do you mean?" Mihno asked her. "I mean, if you want to save him, we're gonna have a longer journey," she responded sassily and kept walking. We followed her until she came to a stop. We followed her gaze to a building. It was still standing, after everything. "This will be crank central," (Y/N) said and I nodded in agreement. Then she did something dumb. She ran in there. "What the hell are you doing?!" Gally yelled at her as he ran and grabbed her arm, walking her out. "We get it, you're the cure and can save literally any of these guys. But it doesn't mean they're not dangerous and they can't kill you," he said to her. "If you want to find Newt, that's the best place to check. I get that it's dangerous, and that's why anyone who's not immune will stay behind. Jorge, Brenda, Seph, and Harvey, you guys search the streets. Thomas, Frypan, Mihno, and I will go in there and look for him. Meet us back here in an hour, if we're not back, we died," (Y/N) explained to everyone. She didn't sound nervous at all. "Do I.. have to go in there?" Frypan asked, fear laced in his voice. "You, Gally, and I have guns, we'll be fine," she said. "What about me?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and reached into her backpack, pulling out a pistol and handing it to me. "There, pretty boy, you're fine," she said and walked in, us following behind her.

It was quiet at first, but then we heard an ear-piercing screech. We all covered our ears except for (Y/N). She was obviously used to these inhuman noises. "Come on, keep walking. The worst we can do is stand in one spot," (Y/N) said. "Standing in one spot sounds perfectly fine to me.. or leaving," Mihno replied sassily. She turned around sharply to face Mihno. "Ok, asshat. You stand here and let cranks swarm you and eat you for dinner, but I'm going to find Newt. So if you'll shut your damn mouth for two seconds, I might not feed you to the cranks myself," she said. Mihno backed down, something I've almost never seen him do. She walked to what looked like a staircase and looked up. "Get your guns ready, boys," she said and slowly walked up the stairs. Once she reached the top she froze. We didn't know what she saw but we froze too. "Don't make a sound," she whispered calmly. She positioned her gun and I knew it must've been a crank. I took a quiet step up and looked at where she was looking. It wasn't just one crank, it was many. At least 50. This really was crank central. I scanned their worn-down, disgusting faces but none of them resembled Newt. I went to take a step up, but slipped, making a big noise that echoed throughout. "You dumba-" (Y/N) was cut off by a loud screech. Then the crank lunged itself towards her. She shot it before it reached her, but the noise caught the attention of all the other cranks. "Guys, come on! Keep shooting, none of them are Newt!" I yelled and ran up the steps, Gally and Frypan following. (Y/N) started running for the other staircase, shooting cranks on her way. "Come on, don't stop running!" she yelled, and we did as she said. So many cranks fell to the floor.
(Y/N) made it to the stairs and continued shooting cranks until we killed them all. She sat down on the stairs and stared at nothing in particular. A tear fell down her cheek. "(Y/N), are you ok?" Mihno asked. "They could've been saved," she said sadly as she looked up at us. "They didn't deserve this." I looked down at the floor. She's right. "But neither does Newt," I looked up as Mihno said, "and you can save him." He day by her and rubbed her back. Gally stepped to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know it's a lot of pressure, but don't get discouraged now," he said calmly. She nodded and stood up. "Let's go find Newt."
The next couple of floors were empty. We started to think he wouldn't be there. Before we reached the next floor we heard crying. (Y/N) stopped us and walked up the stairs. "Hey, are you ok?" I heard her asked the crying person. "I'm s-sorry, I'm fine." I knew that voice. I ran up the stairs, Mihno and Gally following me. "Teresa?"

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