Chapter 8

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Thomas's POV

"My blood?" (Y/N) questioned, "What for?" I think it's pretty obvious what they want it for. "For time. We want a longer to live," the crank spat. "Well, sir.... you should know that my blood is very special. And I won't just give it to you first," (Y/N) challenged. Why is she like this? The crank flared at her, and she glared back. It felt as if their gazes were burning through each other.  The crank leaned back and broke the gaze. "I'll take you to him, but you owe us all blood," he said and she nodded in agreement.
We followed him inside a worn-down building, cranks stared at us as we walked by. He went  up a staircase and knocked on a door. "Hey Blondie, you got visitors," the he said at the crack of the closed door. "Visitors?" The familiar accent called out. "Yeah.. they gave a description of you. You're the only blonde crank with a funny accent," he replied then turned to me. "What's your name?" he asked. "Thomas," I responded hesitantly. He turned back to the door. "A guy named Thomas and his group of immunes," the crank said to Newt. "Tommy?" I heard Newt's voice ask. "Let them in."
We all walked in slowly. Newt looked awful, sick. But I could see the tears in his eyes. "Why did you come back?" Newt asked. "We found someone, she could cure you even if you were dead," I responded. (Y/N) stepped forward slowly. "You won't remember me.." she walked towards him, "But I knew you before they took you away. Mihno found me on the other side of the safe haven island. They told me about you and I agreed to come save you." She sounded so heartbroken. I felt horrible. Newt seemed to be taking it all in. A tear fell down his cheek. "It's a good thing you found me before this serum runs out," Newt said weakly. "I can help you," (Y/N) sat beside him and rubbed his back. Newt looked at us and nodded. "I'd love more than anything to have a chance to live my life. Let's do it," Newt said.
Teresa was the one to eject the serum from (Y/N)'s blood. We all thought it would be easier that way. (Y/N) didn't even flinch.. until Teresa was about to inject it into Newt. "Wait.." (Y/N) stopped her, "Can I do it?" she asked, scooting her chair closer to Newt. Teresa nodded and handed her the needle. "It is your blood," Teresa replied calmly and nicely. I still love her, even after everything. (Y/N) gently injected her serum into Newt. She whispered something to him but I couldn't hear what she was saying. "It's surprisingly been an easier journey than getting you," I said to Mihno. "If I hadn't have found her, it would've been impossible," he responded and smirked. I rolled my eyes at her and focused my attention back on Newt. He and (Y/N) were laughing about something. It made me happy to see my best friend laugh again, but I wasn't sure if he'd forgive me for what I did.

It was the other cranks' turns. They wanted her blood, but I told them they could have mine too and they agreed. Teresa was ejecting my serum when I looked at her. "How did you survive that fall and the fire?" I asked. It really made no sense to me. She looked down for a second and shook her head. "I don't even remember," she answered. I nodded then let her finish. Once the cranks got our blood, we were leaving. They didn't even know they were cured... we forgot to mention that.

(Y/N)'s POV [finally, I know]

As we were traveling back, I made Gally sit in the back with Harvey and Seph. I wanted Newt to sit by me. It was hard to try not to stare at him. It's been so long since I last saw him. His features have gotten so more masculine than they were years ago, yet his eyes could still melt my heart. Even as a half-crank he still looked amazing. It took everything in me to focus on the dirt roads instead of staring at his beautiful features. "Why do you keep looking at me?" his voice startled me. He noticed, yet he was smiling. "I'm just really glad we found you all in one piece," I chuckled awkwardly. I heard Harvey huff at my response and I shot him a glare. He's not my boyfriend and he never will be. He can get over that thought. It's not happening. Suddenly, Jorge came to an abrupt stop in front of us, causing me to almost crash into the back of his jeep. "What's going on?" I called out the window. Then I saw it. Purple and green veins covering his sickly body right in front or Jorge's car. It was a crank, but not just any crank. I knew that crank. I think we all do.

ooooo who do you think the crank is? Comment who you think it is

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