Chapter 28

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I had one bullet left. Don't think I forgot. I saved one just for her. She can't reign her terror on ANYONE anymore. We have to get rid of everything WCKD, and she's a part of that. We were making our way down the corridor, these guys were just strolling as if they know it all too well. I clung to Newt's arm with one hand, and kept my gun in the other. I had the bullet loaded in the chamber, ready. Thomas looked sulky, but it's his fault that he loves a traitor. She betrayed him twice and he STILL has his head up her ass. I really don't understand what he sees in her. She's pretty on the outside, but her soul is ugly. If she wasn't immune I'd let her suffer with the cranks. 

We finally stopped. Above the door was a sign that said 'EXIT'. "Are you serious?" I mumbled, earning a chuckle from a few people. Frypan shook his head and smiled. I'm not sure why, though. I let go of Newt's arm and walked up to the door. Before I was going to open it, I turned to everyone. "Okay, keep Thomas in the back of the group, he's going to try to stop me from ending this entire thing," I said, earning nods from people and a glare from Thomas. A few people held him to the back, though. I put my hand on the doorknob, hesitantly  turning it ever=so slowly. When I opened the door though, no one was there. I heard a helicopter fly overhead. Jorge. I led the group out of the corridor and into the lab room. It looked like it had been torn apart, only a few things were still working. "TERESA?" I shouted, hoping she or someone would come out. Jorge had landed the helicopter outside so I motioned for the crowd to go to him. I stayed behind and made sure no one was left. I almost left, defeated by Teresa not showing up, until I heard the clicking of heels on the floor. I whipped around and saw Teresa standing there with some man. He had a gun, but I only had one bullet. 

"(Y/N), it's such a shame I'm going to have to kill you," Teresa said. "Screw you, bitch," I spat at her. "You could've been so useful, but I guess I'll just have to use Thomas more now," she said, a devilish smirk that reminded me of Janson on her face. Her bodyguard had his gun pointed at me and his finger on the trigger. I panicked in an adrenaline rush and shot him first. He fell to the ground and collapsed. Shit, that was my last bullet. "Teresa, I'm tired of fighting, just come back with us. I'll make sure they don't hurt you despite how much you deserve it," I said to her, holding a hand out. She stared at me for a minute before she decided. "Fine, I wont kill you. But, I do want to be able to run tests," she demanded, as if she has any room to make demands. "That's fine with me, now come on," I said, walking the helicopter. 

Everyone was shocked when they saw her following me. I ignored their glances and helped her onto the helicopter. As he took off, I received tons of confused looks and glares. I stood close to the opening/"door" at the side of the helicopter. Teresa stood beside me, afraid of everyone else. "What the hell, (Y/N)?!" Gally shouted. "Gally, calm down," Thomas said. "Shut up, Thomas you're still up Teresa's ass. You brought her with us after everything she's put us through?!" Gally continued shouting, standing from his seated position. He walked towards her but I grabbed his wrist before he could reach her. I placed my mouth next to his ear so he could hear me. "Sit. Down." I whispered then shoved him back to where he was. I looked at Teresa. She had a nasty smirk on her face. She really thought she was getting away with this. I checked to make sure she was near the opening enough. "Hey, Teresa," I shouted over the noise of a helicopter. "What?" she snapped in a rude tone. I kicked her in the chest and she fell out, but on her way she grabbed my ankle, bringing me with her. I grabbed onto the edge of the helicopter the best I could, but I was slipping with the weight of Teresa still on my ankle. "(Y/N)!" Newt shouted, rushing to me and grabbing my hands. Everything happened so quickly all at once. Mihno and Gally rushed to his side but it was too hard to pull me up. Teresa wouldn't let go.

 Newt, Mihno, and Gally were trying their hardest to pull me up, but in a flash, my hands slipped out of their grip. I was falling. 

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