Chapter 26

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      Alarms blared through the Glade, waking everyone up quickly. Another person coming up in the box? Who will it be this time? I walked out of my hut and towards the box. The guys were surrounding it. I walked to Thomas. "Yo what's going on?" I asked, even though it was obvious. "Just another person being sent up to their hell," he sighed, watching the box intensely. I felt arms wrap around me, but I could tell it was Newt by his scent. I smiled and he placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. I leaned into him slightly as we waited for the box to finish coming up.
It finally stopped, and we stared down into it. I didn't see a person. "Where are they?" I asked while the others murmured. "I'm right here," I heard a raspy voice say from the box. I hopped down into the box, moving out of Newt's grasp. Someone moved from under a tarp, startling me a bit. I saw a familiar face emerge from under the tarp. "Brenda?" myself and a few others questioned in amazement. She put a finger to her lips as if to shush us. "What's going on?" I whispered quietly. I'm so confused. "We're getting you guys out of here. Get anything you'll need and get it quick," she said, climbing out. The guys ran to gather everything we'd need. "Okay, so what's the plan?" I asked, "and how did you find us?" She looked around, but I'm not sure what she was checking for. "Jorge and I got a tip from someone as to where you might've gone. We snuck into Teresa's little WCKD building where she and her small army of assholes have been watching you guys. We stole a map of how to get out of this place, and I jumped in the little box thing and Jorge sent me up," she explained. It took a bit for me to process. "Well where is Jorge now?" I asked. "He's waiting for us. Now come on we have to get these guys to hurry," she said and we walked away to where the guys were preparing everything.

      Newt and Thomas were gathering weapons in the weapon room. I walked to Newt and he immediately wrapped an arm around my waist as if it was some instinct of his. Thomas looked at Brenda and walked over to her, hugging her tightly. "Thank you for having our backs," he said, making me smile. She really is one of the most loyal people I've ever met. "I need to show you something," he mumbled and walked towards the woods. Newt and I looked at each other. What is he doing?

Thomas's POV

       Should I do this? I think I should. I think it's the right thing to do. But then again, I'm usually wrong. I led Brenda to the deadheads. "Look, I'm sorry that you're going to see this. But I think is the right thing to at least show you. You deserve that at least," I said sadly. Should I really be taking this girl to her dead brother's grave when she came here to save us? Wow, Thomas, you've really fucked up this time. Turn back. No, I can't turn back. Too late for that now. I walked to George's grave and stood in front of it. Brenda stood beside me and just stared at it. She reached out her hand and gently traced her fingers over the carving of his name. She slowly turned to me and hugged me tightly. I could hear small sobs coming from her. "Thank you, Thomas."

Your POV

      So me and Newt just stood there,,, making out. We got kind of bored waiting for Thomas and Brenda. Newt had me up against the wall with his hands on my waist. I had my hand tangled in his hair. I know we should probably be focused but how am I supposed to focus if his lips are so soft and warm?? "Guys, seriously?" we heard a voice that made us break away from each other. Thomas and Brenda were standing in the doorway. "You couldn't keep it in your pants for 5 minutes?" Thomas asked. Brenda just stood there trying not to laugh. Newt looked at me and placed a kiss on my lips one last time before turning back to them. "Okay, I think we've gotten it out of our systems," he said, continuing to pick up weapons and place them in bags.
      We finished gathering everything we'd need from the weapon room and went to see what the other guys had managed to get. Frypan and Ossian had gotten plenty of water and food for us, Gally got bandages and medicines, and the rest of the guys just got random things they thought we could use. Everyone stopped at the maze entrance for Brenda to explain her plan. "We're going to get  out of here, and we're going to meet Jorge in a berg outside of the WCKD building that you first saw when you guys escaped," Brenda finished her explanation to everyone. "But what about Teresa? She's going to be in there she can stop us from getting out," Mihno said, concerned. "I'll handle Teresa. It's going to be me and probably Thomas that she's after. I'm sure she'll let you guys slide by. But you guys take Thomas with you," I said. "Wait what?" several people started saying at the same time. "(Y/N), I'm not letting you deal with Teresa alone. At least have Tommy help you." Newt said but I shook my head at him. "No, Thomas is weak. She'll just poke her tits out and he'll be tied around her manipulative finger all over again. I'm going to kill Teresa. I'm not letting her get away with all the shit she's done," I said. Everyone nodded but Thomas looked offended. "Okay since when am I weak?" he asked, crossing his arms and glaring. "Since you let her back into your life in the first place, dumbass," I said. "Now let's go."

Happy spooky szn👻 That pic of newt is sPoOkY😪

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