Chapter 30

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It was around 1:00AM, which meant it was time to leave. I was cuddled up in bed with Newt. I still felt horrible leaving him, but it was for the best. I gently moved out of his grasp, carful not to wake him. I grabbed my bag and quickly shoved all of my belongings in it. I glanced at Newt's resting face. He was sleeping so peacefully. I hated to leave him like this. I placed a kiss on his forehead then left the note I wrote him under his pillow.
I quietly moved out of the hut and around the camp, making my way to the helicopter where they'd be waiting. It really was pretty far away, I could barely hear it. But I finally got to it, and Brenda helped me in. "You ready?" she asked. All I could do was nod. I shed a tear as we took off. I was leaving my home, and the people I love. But you have to make sacrifices to be a hero.

-Shortly After Sunrise-
[Newt's POV]
I woke up after a peaceful sleep. Without even opening my eyes, I leaned over to place a kiss of (Y/N)'s cheek, but all I kissed was air. When I opened my eyes, she was nowhere to be seen. I quickly got up, not even caring about how I looked. I had just hoped she'd gotten up a little early and was already outside. But as I walked out, I saw my friends and others looking as confused as me. "Guys, have you seen (Y/N)?" I asked as I walked up to them. "No, she, Brenda, and Jorge have all gone missing. Mihno has gone to check around the island," Thomas said. Worry filled my stomach. Is she okay? Minho ran up to us out of breath. "The helicopter is gone guys," he said. Shit.
I ran to my hut, not caring that the guys were following me. I rummaged through every drawer and basket in there. I threw all of the stuff off the bed and frustratingly threw a basket against the wall. "All of her stuff is gone, it's all gone," I said in a panicked tone. Gally picked up something off of the ground, but I didn't care. I was probably just some scrap paper. "Guys!" Gally shouted to get our attention, "She left a note." I quickly snatched it from his hands, reading it aloud:

I'm so sorry that it has to be this way. Please don't worry about Brenda, Jorge, and I. This was our choice. I love you, Newt. But it's better this way. I couldn't just sit there and do nothing. I was given a gift for a reason: to help people. I hope you understand. You'll find another girl. One who doesn't have lives to save. I'm sorry it had to end this way. I'll always love you.

I felt my heart drop. Not only had she left without a goodbye, she had broken up with me. This must be the worst way to get dumped. It's hard knowing that she still loves me and had a bigger duty to fulfill. Maybe I should just leave it be. There's no point in chasing her when I'm not wanted. I sighed and laid on my bed. I don't think I'll be getting up for a while.

"Newtonnnnnn. Newt. Noodle. Get up, man. NEWT," Thomas screamed the last part right by my ear. "Jesus Christ you bloody shank if you ever do that again I'll shove a stick up your nostrils," I cursed, holding my ear from the pain. "Look, man. We let you stay in that bed for a whole 48 hours. You need some water, you need to eat. Also, you smell like shit," he said and pulled me up, dragging me along. I held my arm up to shield my eyes from the sudden brightness of the outside world. Wow, this is even more depressing than I thought.

-Time Skip-
[Your POV]

It's been a couple weeks since I left and we've saved around 130 people. I didn't even know there were that many left. But I feel kind of sick at the moment. That was a lot of blood. We just extract a lot of serum at a time then keep it in little tubes and pass them out with syringes. Sometimes one tube can save a family of 4 or 5. Sometimes people would rather die than accept help. Right now I'm laying in some bed of a family's house. I had helped them cure their daughter and let them keep an extra tube of serum. Brenda was asleep on the couch downstairs and Jorge was carrying a conversation with the family in the kitchen. "Hey," someone's voice startled me, breaking me from my thoughts. A guy around my age brought me in some water. "Thank you," I said in a raspy voice, only now realizing how much I needed that water. I tried not to drink it all at once like some unmannered hog. "I know you're thirsty, just drink it," he said with a chuckle. His brown eyes glistened in the light and made me think of Newt. I miss h- NO. I can't think of him right now. Newt is a part of my past. I have to move on from that. "I know your name, but I don't think you know mine," he said. "Well you can tell me it," I suggested the obvious. "It's Cameron, and you can call me Cameron. This isn't some cheesy story where I say 'you can call me your future husband' and then we kiss." We just stared at each other in silence....

Then we kissed.

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