Chapter 24

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Your POV
Cranks lined at the end of the corridor. I gripped Newt's hand tightly and we ran off to find Mihno.
Mihno was found eating a sandwich with Frypan and Thomas. "Mihno, we have a big issue," I said and pointed towards the doors. He averted his gaze from his friends to the Maze entrance, his eyes widening with fear. "Oh shit," he mumbled and jumped up, running off to the weapons room. Thomas ran after Mihno, and Frypan ran to warn the others. I let go of Newt's hand and pulled out my machete, readying for a fight. Mihno, Thomas, and other soon joined by my side with weapons of their own. Cranks charged after us, until a louder screech was heard. A griever charged out of the maze and at the group of cranks, swinging them out of its way. The griever suddenly locked gazes with me and began charging towards us. The others ran but I stood frozen in fear. I heard people shouting my name but the voices were muffled. It was as if everything was in slow motion. The griever charged after me as did the remaining cranks. Then something no one expected happen.
The griever stopped and stared at me before turning and roaring loudly at the remaining cranks. It chased them like a cat chasing mice. It herded them back into the maze like a shepherd with sheep. I still stood there, shocked and frozen. I heard footsteps rushing towards me as my friends gathered around me. "What the hell was that?!" Mihno yelled in shock. "I don't know.." was all I could get out.

I stayed awake that night, playing the day's events over in my head. Had I just imagined it? Was it just a dream? It almost felt like it was fake but at the same time it was all too real. But why? Why did it stop? All I ever heard was stories of how grievers terrorized the gladers. Why the sudden change? A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts. I expected Newt to be on the other side, but was surprised when Thomas barged into my room, pacing anxiously. "Are you okay?" I asked, confused as to what he was in my room in the middle of the night for. "Are you?!" he shot back, taking me by surprise, "What the hell happened earlier?! Because that's never happened before, not even for me." I sighed and sat back down on my bed. "I'm not sure, maybe Teresa had something to do with it... maybe she didn't want it to hurt me," I said and he shook his head. "I don't think it's that simple," he said sharply. I was taken aback at the tone he used towards me. As if it was my fault. "I didn't ask for that to happen, don't put the blame on me!" I shouted at him. He scoffed and ran his fingers through his hair. Someone barged into the room. We both shot our heads towards the door to see Gally. "Can you guys stop shouting people are trying to sleep! I heard your entire conversation; and, Thomas, stop being such an asshole. Do you not remember how I was towards you?! How did you feel?! Don't put it on her!" he yelled. Someone else came into the room— Newt. "Who's yelling at my bloody girlfriend?!" he yelled. I groaned and flopped down onto my bed. The three yelled at each other until the first punch was thrown. Thomas had punched Gally in the face. "Knock it off!" I yelled repeatedly as I tried to break the three away from fighting each other. Thomas was still throwing punches while Newt tried to pull Gally away from him. I grabbed Thomas by the collar of his shirt and punched him in the jaw. Everyone stopped and froze, staring at me, Thomas clutching his jaw. "Knock. It. Off," I snarled through gritted teeth, "Get out of my room and go to bed." Gally left without a word, Thomas looked at me before stomping off, but Newt stared at me in utter shock. "Bloody hell, babe," he scoffed, surprised and walked out. I laid down and tried to get some sleep before the sun would rise again.

The Next Morning
I sat at the usual table with Mihno, Gally, and Ossian for breakfast. "What the hell was all that yelling coming from your room last night?" Mihno asked me. "I bet she and Newt were-" Ossian started but a choked on my food and started coughing, making the table erupt with laughter. "Gally, Thomas, and Newt were fighting. Thomas started it with me though," I explained, making Mihno huff out in response. "So that's why Gally looks like he was hit in the face with rocks," Ossian stated with a chuckle, studying the bruises and busted lip on his face. Gally flicked a spoonful of eggs at Ossian's face, the eggs landing on his cheek before sliding to the ground. Ossian wiped his cheek with the back of his hand. "You're an asshole," Oss said, Gally giving a pleased smile as he shoveled more food into his mouth. I felt hands place on my shoulders from behind and looked behind me to see Newt smiling down at me. He leaned down and placed a kiss on the corner of my mouth, making me smile in return. "Oh gross," Mihno said with a fake gag. I held my middle finger up at Mihno while I leaned closer and kissed Newt on the lips. I was taking a break from running today due to the events that happened yesterday, so today it would be Thomas and Mihno running.

In the middle of the day we heard yelling coming from the maze. I darted off to the maze doors. Thomas was dragging along a Mihno covered in blood. My hand choked over my mouth as I choked out a sob. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as boys rushed to help pick up Mihno and take him to the medshack. I caught one glimpse of him through my teary eyes. He was covered in blood, his breaths were jagged, and his eyes looked almost lifeless. I fell to my knees in sobs. I was about to lose another friend.

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