Chapter 41

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-Newt's POV-

"Hey lo-.. Y/N," I corrected myself as I went to say hello to the girl where she was sitting. She gave me a soft smile, as she usually does. Her gaze was always so loving. I knew she cared about me, but I wasn't going to make her admit it. She didn't have to. I see the way she looks at me. It's a total confidence boost to see that I make her weak in the knees. Obviously I lov- uh really care about her. I just don't know if I should tell her or let it be.
"Hey," she said back. Her voice was raspy. She sounded stressed.
"Do you wanna go for a walk? We don't have to go that far. Just far enough to get away from these bozos," I said shyly. Blood hell, Newt, get yourself together. You sound like a twat. She raised an eyebrow at me, a cute smirk painting across her face. I love when she looks at me like that. God I can't even hide it anymore-
"Yeah," she said, "I'd like that."
I reached my hand out to her and she took it. I gently lifted her off of the ground. She reached down to dust off her pants and I smiled.
Jorge coughed. "Watch it, now-" he choked out. Obviously some of the dust got in his face. A guilty look spread across her face.
"I'm so sorry," she apologized to Jorge. He treated her like a daughter. I'm glad she has someone like that. He chuckled in response to her apology.
"It's okay, mija. Go relax and have fun. You deserve it," he smiled at her, then gave me a stern look. "Be careful, hermano," he said to me, his tone changing completely. I gave him an awkward nod and walked off, Y/N following beside me.

-Your POV-
For some odd reason I was nervous when walking with Newt. Maybe it's because I still have feelings for him...
"So..." I tried to start up a conversation, but no words came after that. I bet I sounded like a total idiot. We're supposed to be just friends, so why doesn't that feel right?
He started laughing and my head snapped towards him. I raised an eyebrow as he tried to bite back the grin on his face.
"Is something funny?" I stopped walking and looked at him. I tried staying serious but I couldn't help from smirking at the sound of his laugh. It made me happy to hear him letting loose for a second.
"Ah- it's nothing.." he trailed off with a small chuckle. I just stared at him and he looked back at me, trying to wipe the smile off of his face. He couldn't help it though, he just kept smiling. That smile... ugh.
"Are you laughing at me?" I questioned and he raised his eyebrows.
"And what if I was?" He replied with a smirk. I pushed his shoulder and he laughed a little more. "I just think you're..." he was fighting with himself to get the words out, "..cute."
He thinks I'm cute? Does this mean he still has feelings for me? Is it not over for us?
"I.. think you're cute too," I said hesitantly. To that, he blushed. His smile grew wider and he bit his lip, looking away to try and hide it. "You still like me," I said with a confident smirk. His head snapped up to look at me.
"Rubbish. You still liked me first and I could tell," he said, crossing his arms challengingly.
"Well I didn't go fighting my best friend over you," I said.
"Well I didn't freak out and cry over you being beat up," he remarked.
"Well that's because I don't get myself into situations where I'd be beaten up.. and I didn't cry," I defended, crossing my arms and raising a brow at him. He suddenly got really close to me. He placed his hand on the back of my head, leaning to my ear.
"I'd take a beating like that every day for the rest of my bloody life if it meant I could kiss you whenever I wanted with no interruptions," he whispered to me, sending chills down my spine. I moved my head slightly so I could look at him.
"Then do it. Kiss me," I whispered back to him. He tangled his fingers into my hair and began to slowly lean in. I leaned in too, finally colliding my lips with his. They were as soft as always. I missed this feeling. The feeling of being with him. It was comforting and honestly all I really wanted at the moment. He means the world to me. He is my world.
"Oh gross!" our kiss was cut off by Minho. We pulled away to look at the boy. Gally was standing next to him with a smirk.
"I told you so. I was right," Gally said to Minho with a smirk. He discreetly gave me a thumbs-up, obviously being supportive of whatever was happening between me and Newt.
"I didn't think we'd walk into a make-out session. You're sick dude," Minho said to Gally with a laugh.
"You guys can leave now. We were kind of in the middle of something," Newt said with an annoyed tone to the boys. It made me laugh a little.
"Jeez, Newt. No need to get your knickers in a bunch," Minho teased, mocking Newt's accent. Newt just rolled his eyes.
"All right, Minho, let's go. Newt... try to keep it in your pants," Gally said, turning around and walking away. Minho followed up next to him. Once they were out of sight, Newt turned back to me. His face was back to a sweet, gentle expression, despite the boys irritating him. He was different with me.
"All right, where was I?" Newt started to lean back in.
He was cut off again.
"Hey guys. What's up?" It was Thomas this time. I took a step away from Newt to make things less awkward and his hands fell to his sides. His jaw clenched as he was obviously frustrated by Thomas's presence.
"Frypan went out and got some food for dinner. Jorge said we should probably get some rest soon because we're gonna be on foot tomorrow to find a better place to camp out or stay," Thomas informed us.
"Alright we'll meet you there," Newt stated, sounding only slightly irritated.
"I think Y/N should come with me. She's had a stressful day. I just want to make sure she gets something to eat and can go to sleep unbothered," Thomas said, moving towards me and placing his arm around my shoulder.
"She's perfectly fine with me actually," Newt said as he gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his arms, earning a scoff from Thomas.
"Guys, seriously?" I said as I pulled away from Newt, "Could you guys just not fight for one minute? Come on let's just go get dinner." I started walking off, not checking to see if either of them were following me. Why do they always have to make things complicated?

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