Chapter 32

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-Thomas's POV-

Gally pulled something out of his back pocket. "This is how we can find her. She told me to only use it for emergencies, but I guess we can use it now," he said. "What is it?" Minho asked. "A tracking device. We can see where she is and get directions to her. We can also press a button that sends out a signal to say we're in trouble and need her help, but that's strictly only for emerg-"

Minho pressed the button.
"You idiot!" Gally snapped. "This is an emergency. Newt misses her," Minho said. "Well I can cancel the signal, dipshit," Gally said, pressing a button then typing something into the strange machine. "Gally, we need her to come back. If you weren't going to help then why did you show us the machine?" I asked, annoyance lacing my voice. "Because we can track her. We'll find some way to get to her, surprise her, then kidnap her," he said, awkwardly smiling afterwards. Minho and I exchanged glances. This is a little weird, but...
"We'll do it."

We figured we'd need more than just us in order to do this. "How do we convince her to come with us?" I asked Gally. "We'll take Newt. She won't say no if she sees him," he responded. We had already convinced Frypan and Aris to help, though it didn't take much convincing. They're always there to help no matter what crazy shit we're up to.

-Your POV-

I was walking through a small village, handing out cures left and right. The people here are very kind. They appreciate what life has given them and never show the slightest bit of bitterness. "Miss?" a young boy said from behind me. "Yes? Do you need help?" I asked politely, bending on my knees to get to eye level with him. "My mother has something important to tell you, and sent me to come get you," he said. "Of course. I'll be glad to speak with her," I said, following the young boy as he led me to his small, worn-down home.

He led me to a woman sitting in a chair. She was a fairly beautiful lady for someone living in these conditions. She stood from her chair as I walked into the room and stuck a firm hand out for me to shake. "It's an honor to meet you. You're looking quite weak, may I get you something to eat and drink?" she asked very kindly. I felt honored to be in a home with such kind people. "Yes, please. And some for my friends if it's not too much to ask," I said, motioning to Brenda and Jorge standing to the side. "It's no problem. Follow me, please," she said.

We sat at a table in what seemed to be her kitchen. "I'm didn't need you here for serum. My son and I are immune. I needed you here to warn you. A group of immunes that survived the attack on Wicked are working on bringing it back, including Ava Paige's son. I know you have tried your best to get rid of them all, and I'm so sorry that they keep reappearing. But I thought it was absolutely necessary that you know," she said to me. My chest and throat tightened. This will never end, will it? I'll never be able to escape them. They'll never give up. "Do you know where they plan on reestablishing the buildings and labs?" I asked, anxiety was already taking over me. "No, I've told you all I know. I wish I had more information," she said, an apologetic look crossing over her face. I sighed and took a long sip of the water she gave me. What am I going to do?

-Thomas's POV-

We forced Newt into the berg. He didn't want to go because he was afraid his heart would break all over again by seeing her, so we tied him up. He was talking too much so we stuffed a cloth in his mouth. We could still tell he was cussing us out, despite his muffled voice. "You'll thank us later. Just shut the hell up," Gally said, earning a snicker from Minho. It was hard to understand him, but I could still hear Newt say a muffled "fuck you" through the cloth. Everyone ignored it though. We didn't need negativity on our mission to kidnap (Y/N). I was standing too close to Newt and he kicked me in the ankle. "Ow you dickhead," I said to him and kicked his leg, but all he did was kick me again. "Quit being a little shit," I snapped and took the cloth out of his mouth. "That's all I wanted. Thank you. Now untie me," he said. "No," I refused. Assholes don't deserve normal human privileges.

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