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I was so buried under a pile of blankets and cushions on the sofa, that when Maya stomped through the door she didn't even notice I was there. She slammed the door and rushed straight to her room. Seconds later, the muffled but distinct sound of her screaming into her pillow could be heard.

I gave her a few minutes until I heard the screaming stop and quiet sobs begin. I gave a faint sigh, already feeling bad for her – there was only one thing that could upset Maya like this and that was her ex.

I drifted towards Maya's room, not sure if she would want me there. She was the strong one in our friendship, I was the cryer and the emotional one. She was the one who would act like an older sister and say fuck you to any boy who deserved it, she made the decisions when my indecisiveness kicked in and she would be the one to keep our spirits up when everything was shit.

I made a few deliberate, loud steps, hoping she would hear me and either ask me to come in or tell me to piss off – either way then it would be her decision.

'Iris?' she said quietly, 'I didn't realise you were home,'

I took that as my cue to enter her room, sit on her bed and give her a hug.

'I hate that boy.' She muttered, 'first he cheats on me with two different girls and so I break up with him and spend the two worst weeks of my life getting over it. Then he fucking comes into my work today and apologies and says he wants to get back together with me. I know I don't need him, but I loved him Iris and I can't just let him go if he says he wants to be with me,' my heart hurt for her, but an anger rose up inside me. Anger at him for being so toxic and manipulative and a small part of me was angry at her for falling for it again, even though I know it wasn't her fault at all. We would get through this together.

'Ok Maya. I'm going to sit on your bed with you and we can cry about this together for 10 minutes. But then your going to get up, have a shower and we'll go out. It doesn't have to be a club, even if we just walk around for a bit. You'll feel better I promise.' She attempted a smile through her tears as I pulled a blanket over her.

Our tears flowed freely. I wasn't even crying for any reason, but these days I cried at anything. I was crying to let out my stress, crying because I had no reason not to and crying to keep Maya company.

Maya was in the shower, hopefully beginning to feel better and I was talking to Stanley when my phone buzzed. I gave it a suspicious look, why was it buzzing? Hardly anyone texted me except Maya, my Mum and occasionally a few other friends. But Maya was here and my mother was asleep in England.

Harry: Wanna come over tonight? If you're not doing anything...

Me: Your place huh? ;)

Harry: noooo not like that, I just don't want to paps to see us.

Iris: So now you're embarrassed to be seen with me?

Harry: No, honestly. Please don't be offended Iris I didn't mean it like that.

I laughed at my phone, he must have though I was being serious, I was just joking. I really did understand that he didn't want to be pictured constantly, especially when he was trying to have a chill evening with a friend.

Iris: HAHAHAHAH I was joking don't take everything so seriously, idiot

Idiot: Oh. Well do you want to come over anyway?

Iris: Sorry I can't tonight, tomorrow?

Idiot: See you then Iris...

Idiot: Hang on! I don't know your surname yet, what is it?

Iris: You'll have to wait until tomorrow night, Harry Styles...

Ashamed as I was to admit it, a small, tiny part of me was disappointed I couldn't go over. But right now, Maya came first so we would go out and have fun. Harry could wait until tomorrow.

Unsurprisingly, we ended up going out tonight, Maya changed into something red and though that hadn't been our intention, it was going to be fun. I'd held back on the drinks, knowing Maya would drink anything extended in her direction tonight and was planning to get hammered.

Much to my annoyance, the same grumpy boy who didn't drink from the bar a few weeks was at the bar this week. He gave me a look, clearly recognising me but I couldn't be arsed to deal with him right now, so I pretended not to notice him.

However, it turned out that God was laughing on me from above in the cruellest fate of irony when Maya noticed the boy and they kept making eye contact. Until she headed over to him. And then they left together, unable to stop from kissing each other and giggling.

She did remember to look at me before she left and give me a nod, letting me know she wanting to go and I didn't need to pull her away from him. I rolled my eyes but left her to it. If she wanted to sleep with the dickhead it was entirely up to her.

I took the last sip of my cocktail and decided to head out. I wasn't here for me tonight, and since Maya was gone there was no real reason for me to stay.

Half an hour later, I was comfy in bed, warm in my hoodie after I'd discarded my dress and makeup. Casablanca played quietly on my computer while I tried to stop my eyes from closing of their own accord, each blink making my eyelids feel heavy and sleepy.

The quiet shutting of our front door woke me up, then I heard the tiptoeing of someone across our floor as though they were trying not be caught. Which left me with two options – a thief or Maya returning.

'Maya?' I mumbled sleepily, desperately hoping it was her.

'Heyyyyyyyy,' she said, drawing out the last syllable in a way that let me know she was a bit embarrassed about what had happened,

'Don't be embarrassed queen, hope you had a good night,' I muttered, still half asleep. She smiled,

'You know, I know we saw him a few weeks ago in the club and I was right. He was the perfect one night stand because there's absolutely no way I will ever hear from him again.'

'Don't tempt fate,' I spoke, raising an eyebrow.

Thanks for reading! Much love to you all <3

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