Dim lights

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^^her dress later in the chapter

The euphoric effect of last night had still lingered when I woke up and I had lazily mused if this was what taking a drug was like – this long lasting high?

Now Harry and I were getting ready to go out to some club that Mitch and Sarah had invited us to yesterday. Jeff was also going to be going apparently and I was nervously to see him, even if I had already met him.

Yet again, I was acutely aware that I was going out in LA with Harry Styles. No doubt, the paps would sneak a few photos of us together and the thought made the pressure on my outfit and makeup so much worse.

What the fuck was I supposed to wear to look good enough that the whole internet didn't criticize me? Maybe I should just drink and drink until I wasn't worried anymore, that actually didn't sound like a bad idea.

Yet again, Maya had outdone herself with packing for me as I saw a short, going out dress that she'd clearly packed for an occasion exactly like this one. I didn't recognise it clearly, so it was probably borrowed from her own wardrobe. It was short, probably would barely skim my bum once I put it on but it was perfect; it was blue, and tight but with ruches to make it less revealing, and make me more confident. The straps were tiny, almost non existent and formed an elegant cross on the back of the dress.

I for once, did more than just brush my hair – I straightened it until it was as straight and sleek as a pin and put a pair of gold hoops in my ears. For my makeup, I left it quite natural, just adding a bit of mascara and a little lip gloss.

Like I said, the realisation that I might be photographed with Harry had really put pressure on me to not just throw on anything. Every time the paps unwelcomely popped into my head, the pressure in my chest rose. I was not cut out to deal with people like the haters online.

I took one last glance in the mirror, allowing myself a small smile as I looked at the appearance I was happy with before I stepped outside the bedroom, taking in a deep breath as I saw Harry turn to me.

'Fucking hell Iris,' he breathed once he'd taken in my outfit and the effort I'd put into my hair and makeup. 'You know I love you in sweats and jeans but this...this is so bloody sexy,' he told me.

My small, nervous smile widened to a grin at his compliment and I took a step forward, pressing a kiss to his lips. He sighed in satisfaction softly at the innocent connection and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pressing himself against me slightly,

'Harry! Bean! Are you ready to...oh fucking hell...' Mitch shouted as he barged in the door without knocking and saw us standing in the middle of the room kissing.

He tilted his head away from us, looking at the sofa, at the coffee table, at the blank tv. Just looking anywhere except at us. Sarah stepped in behind him, less obtrusively than Mitch so she wasn't surprised by us kissing and looked at me,

'You look amazing babe,' she spoke and I smiled, looking at her pink playsuit with its deep v neck. It was unusual, not something you'd usually see...but it made so much sense on her. It just suited her.

'So do you,' I returned the compliment, knowing it sounded like I was just being polite but I genuinely meant every word.

'Are you ready then?' Mitch shouts loudly, fed up with standing there and still looking uncomfortable from walking in on me and Harry. Honestly, I'm not sure why he was so awkward, it wasn't like we'd been fucking...

Now that would have been awkward.

I give him a nervous grimace, saying I'm ready. Although my outfit has made me feel more confident, I still don't feel ready to face whatever camera flashes and fans that could be around tonight. Mitch gives me a sympathetic smile,

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