Fine line

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It's midnight in LA, I'm lying in my bed and Iris isn't here. It's crazy how much I miss her after only a few short days. How the hell are we going to survive two and a half months apart?

My bedroom is dark, blanketing details so all I can make out is the vague outlines of furniture as I think back to this evening when me, Mitch and Sarah went out to get a few drinks. The two of them had got more serious lately, and even though we'd started off as three friends, now they were in a committed relationship I felt like an absolute third wheel.

So after we'd had a couple of drinks and laughs, I'd said bye and wandered home as I returned to thinking about Iris.

A sudden stroke of inspiration hitting me, I jumped out of bed, flicking the light on and hurrying down to my music writing room.

This song had to come out of me, it was a song that I had felt bubbling for months, ever since I met Iris and now, finally the bubbles had erupted and the song was spilling out of my pencil, desperate to be sung.

We'll get the drinks in,

And I'll get thinking of her

I write, mirroring the events of this evening in my song.

We'll be a fine line,

We'll be a fine line,

We'll be a fine line

I repeat the line six times, humming it under my breath as I gently strum chords on the guitar. My album so far has been filled with mainly upbeat songs, songs to dance to, songs to play in the summer but not really any songs to cry to. And the best albums have a rounded variety of songs so this song could be exactly what my album needs.

Test of my patience,

There's things we'll never know,

You sunshine, you temptress,

My hand's at risk, I fold

I mumble quietly as I write the lyrics down. I have never had a song spill out of me so easily as this one, it's as though the song's already been written and I'm just writing it down. But when it comes to Iris, nothing is ever hard, it just makes sense:

It tests my patience how much I have to stay away from her, how much time we have to spend apart and I know it's only so long until my patience crumbles and I fly back to her. My sunshine. Ever since one of the first times we hung out and she told me about her yellow, I've always associated her with the colour, and sunshine is yellow...

We'll be alright,

We'll be alright,

We'll be a fine line,

We'll be a fine line,

We'll be alright,

We'll be alright,

We'll be alright,

I finish the song. I'm breathless from the rush of getting out the words that had been simmering for so long and as I look at the scrawled page of lyrics, I smile. Here is a song based off our relationship and it makes sense to me.

Just like us.

I already know this is going to be a controversial song to critics with so many repeats and the length of it with the almost balled like sound. But I just don't care because as I stare at my page of lyrics and chords, it fits.

Like I've said before, this album isn't for other people. I'm not aiming to please the world, I'm being purely me on the album and if people accept that, then that would be incredible. But equally, if it flops then at least I can honestly say I love the album.

Our relationship is like the fine line I've written repeatedly in my song. We walk a fine line between relying on each other too much and being too independent, not wanting to worry the other with our troubles.

Our relationship is so special, so perfect and both of us know that deep down we won't find something else like it even if we haven't voiced that to each other. She gets me, she understands everything without me having to overexplain it or get frustrated by her inability to empathise. She floats along the breeze, hiding her pain behind a smile to the rest of the world.

But no matter the individual issues we face, when we're together they fade.

I'm going to marry this girl, even if it takes years and break-ups and we're eighty by the time we finally tie the knot, I will marry her one day.

And then suddenly, as I think over our relationship, it clicks. Finally, I have found a title for this album, a task which Jeff has been hounding me about for a while.

Fine Line.

Sorry i know this was a really short chapter so i'll try and update again tomorrow! Also did you catch the falling reference at the start of the chapter? :) thanks sm for reading it really means a lot and i would love it if you voted <3
Also get ready for the next few chapters it's going to be a bumpy ride...

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