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Me and Harry had fallen asleep on the couch, his presence comforting me enough that I was able to fall asleep despite my mind now overthinking the latest development in my life.

I woke up early, my internal body clock knowing I had to be on time for work today considering my skiving on Saturday when I ran out without even telling Ash. I lie there for a second, Harry curled up next to me. I didn't want to wake him up if he didn't need to be up, and I also wanted to avoid the awkward conversation that inevitably going to happen since the kiss.

I shifted, each of my movements quiet and painfully slow as I desperately tried not to wake him. Finally, I got of the sofa and padded to the bathroom to run my fingers through my hair and make myself look at least half decent. Obviously, there was no makeup here, and I was still in yesterday's clothes so the best I could do was brush my teeth with a finger and toothpaste.

Leaving the bathroom, I noticed that Harry had moved so that now he was sprawled, taking who the whole of the sofa as he lay on his stomach with his head turned to the side so he could breathe. I allowed myself a small smile: we were both tummy sleepers, and it didn't really matter, but it just felt like something linking us.

He made a small sound, startling me slightly because I'd thought he was asleep, 'iris,' he mumbled, still obviously very sleepy, 'please see me soon,'. He puckered his lips and made a quiet kissing sound, I paused on my way to the door. Did he want me to kiss him?

Stuck in indecision, he must have noticed my feet pause their soft steps towards the door. He woke up enough to crack open his eyes and nod. He definitely wanted me to kiss him, so I stepped backwards a little until I was closer to him, and then I bent down, feathering my eyes shut and pressed a soft kiss to his lips smiling against mine.

I leaned back quickly, but he untucked one of his hands from the blanket and used it to pulls my face to his and press our foreheads together.

'I'll call you,' he whispered,

'See you soon H,' I replied, my smile widening as I moved to head out the door.

As I skipped down the street to Split Bean, or not skipping because I didn't want to attract attention, but my heart was skipping in my chest and my stomach was warm. A smile uncontrollably glimmered up on my face and I shared it with any passers-by, a simple smile probably making their shitty Monday morning.

I knew that one kiss didn't mean we were going to be in a relationship, it was more likely just a one-off-early-hours-of-the-morning-not-thinking-straight event. But that didn't matter, because he was going to call me soon and we would talk about it. He'd fly to England, leaving me alone in America but we would talk. I could feel it, whether we remained friends or became more, we would stay contact, we'd had too much of an effect on each other's lives to just ignore each other now.

Even Ash's furious rant about leaving in the middle of work did nothing to affect my smiling. Every customer whom I served, whether it be coffee, or food, received a smile from me.

The only thing leaving me slightly on edge was knowing Harry was going to call and it wouldn't be an easy conversation.



Fucking hell. I don't even really know what happened last night, I hadn't planned on kissing her, I hadn't even realised I like her like that. But when I saw her fragile figure curled on my sofa, my instincts had taken over and all I'd wanted was to kiss her, comfort her, protect her...

And now we were in a shitty situation. From what I could tell from her body language, she had these unexplainable feelings as well. But I didn't know what to do about it – I was going to England for 2 weeks and then LA for 6 months.

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