Loud nameless music

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Ollie had woken me up early to inform me he was going to his team meeting and I'd told him to piss off before throwing a pillow over my head and doing my best to ignore him as he clattered around the room throwing on clothing and filling his water bottle.

I just wanted to sleep honestly. Each of the noises that were made from his shuffling felt magnified in my sleep filled head.

'Just go to the back entrance and say you're there for me. They'll show you where to go,' he spoke loudly before leaving the room and leaving me to sleeping. I had never been so glad to see anyone go.

Falling back asleep had not worked for me and instead I'd stayed awake, staring at the clean linen of my pillow case. I was going to see Harry tomorrow for the first time in three weeks.

Which wasn't really that long – but I couldn't contain my excitement as it really seeped into me that I. Was. Going. To. See. Him. Tomorrow.

He had come to mean so much to me in the past five months and I don't think he really realised how much he'd helped me. How much I looked forward to seeing his dimpled smile, how I would happily put myself in my nightmares for him if that was what it took to make him happy and how much even a text from him brighten my day.

Finally, after giving up on sleeping with a mournful look at the plush bedding, I crawled out of bed and over to my suitcase. It was only now I realised Maya had packed for me and I had no idea what my suitcase contained. What if she'd packed all the wrong clothes? What if she hadn't packed anything at all for a joke? What if she'd only packed little dresses for going out and nothing suitable for a football game?

Stop it I told myself sternly, trying to halt the overthinking in its tracks before it became more of a problem in the form of a panic attack.

My anxiously shaking fingers unsteadily unzipped the suitcase and I had to force myself to open it. One eye opened and looked apprehensively at the contents of the suitcase, then I cracked the other open and peered down at it whilst heaving an enormous sigh I didn't realise I had been holding.

She'd packed all the perfect stuff, of course she had.

Iris: Thanks Maya <3

Maya: For what? My general awesomenes? My existence? My amaze abilities as a roommte?

Iris: Well all that yes. But acc for packing the suitcase so well

Maya: Ahh that. ur welcme bitch

I wasn't really sure what to wear to an NFL game, like I said, I don't really follow sports so going to this game was a long way out of my depth. But at least if I managed to wear the right thing, I would feel less uncomfortable. Which only put more pressure on my outfit choice.

After a long while of debating the possible options, I chose a pair of baggy jeans and put on one of Ollie's old jersey's that he'd left me. Hopefully this would be right? Then I pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail, brushed a little mascara on and firmly closed the door of the hotel room behind me.

I just had to convince myself this outfit was okay otherwise I would never get there.

I'm going to be honest – I have never watched American football before partly because I don't like sports and partly because I'm not bloody American but it wasn't very interesting and I couldn't see myself coming back any time soon.

It seemed to me like there was a lot of standing around and not much actual playing. I would much rather be watching the Rugby back home.

Ollie seemed to be playing well though – he'd been clapped on the back by his teammates and he'd thrown the ball to the others and they'd caught it so the throw must have been good, I think? Honestly, I should just shut up, talking about American Football was just making myself look like an idiot.

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