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A gentle prodding at my back woke me up. I mumbled something incoherent, not being a morning person at all. The incessant prodding continued as Harry's voice, raspier than usual since he'd just woken up mumbled my name.

'Iris, Iris, Iris,' His voice was getting louder and louder each time as his impatience took over and he just wanted me to wake up quickly. His warmth breath tickled the shell of my ear as he leaned over me and pressed a soft kiss to my cheek. 'C'mon get up...I want to get breakfast with you before I have to leave.'

'I can't believe you woke me up,' I pout.

'Please can we get breakfast?' he looks at me hopefully and I nod, of course I'd go and get breakfast with him. Sleepily, I roll out of bed and fumble for clothes, any clothes would do. The sharp shards of light hurt my eyes as I look for my clothes. That sense of light after a night in the darkness always hurts my eyes.

Finally, I'm managed to locate something. I'm not even sure what it was but it was warm and comfy and so I put it on. I didn't know it I looked okay, if they matched but frankly I'd just woken up... and like I said, I'm not a morning person.

'Let me just make a mug of tea before we go...I need some caffeine...' I mumble and lifts his head,

'Tea? Can I have some pleaseee, I'm sure you make really good tea,' he begs, acting like a young child and I smile.

Five minutes later after I'd dropped a grain of food in Stanley's tank and with mugs of tea in our hands, we were heading out to a café that Harry claimed had amazing brunches. We hadn't heard a peep from Maya, so I assumed she was still sleeping off the remnants of the alcohol in her system. She would text me when she woke up.

Sipping at our tea, we ambled through central park. The caffeine was just working it's way through my system and my brain was beginning to actually function when I looked down at my clothes. Shit. I had literally never seen a worse outfit than the one I had somehow managed to put on. This was embarrassing, I would just have to cross my fingers and pray to the stars that no paps were around.

Of course, fate was not in my favour.

Despite a hood covering Harry's head and sunglasses placed on his face, they still recognised him. I mean only a couple recognised him, but that was I couple more than I wanted, and a couple more than he wanted. Would these photos go in a paper? Or a gossip magazine? Would people talk about me, criticize my outfit and my hair... fucking hell I hope not.

The food at the place Harry took me to was indeed delicious. Why me and Maya hadn't found it before was beyond me as brunch was our favourite. As we sat down and tucked into our stack of pancakes covered in berries and syrup, he looked at me. His eyes met mine and once again, I was surprised at how green and piercing they were. I was almost blue grey dull eyes just couldn't compare.

Just over an hour later, we were at the airport. We had left brunch earlier than we needed to because I was stressing he would miss his flight. I hated not being organised and punctual, despite what my tardy reputation at work might suggest.

Honestly, not being organised was one of my worst nightmares which is why my bag always weighed a ton, because it was equipped with anything I might need for any occasion. While situations sometimes surprised my friends, I never, ever was surprised anymore. This is because I lay in bed at night overthinking every single outcome to every single possible situation. I was prepared for anything...

So, we'd left brunch early, Harry chuckling softly at my insistence as I dragged him along the pavement in a hurry. Of course we'd reached the airport with plenty of time to spare since I massively over allowed for time again; so we'd amused ourselves by making up backstories to every person who passed us.

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