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We were back in his apartment, the show long ended, and the crowd dispersed from the arena long ago.

Harry had remained on a high from adrenaline for a while as we danced around his apartment to songs he'd sung whilst he was in the band. When we'd got back and he told me he wanted a dance party, I obviously agreed because I love nothing more, but when he'd put Happily I had stood still in shock for a second, narrowing my eyes at him in confusion.

'What? I loved those boys and listening to the music always brings back the memories,' he shrugged and I shook my head in surprise. Dancing to one direction with Harry Styles was something I could honestly say I had never thought I would do.

He threw me an empty plastic bottle across the room and smiled as he told me I obviously needed a mic. I was still nervous about singing in front of him, but at least now he was prepared for how bad my voice was.

Despite his concert, his voice wasn't any worse and he still hit every note perfectly. He only sang the parts of the song that he actually sang on the recording, leaving me to sing all the other lyrics and the action made me unspeakably sad: it was almost like he felt he couldn't sing the other boys' parts, like it would be rude. Sort of like speaking badly of the dead.

Then, after two or three songs from the band, he switched the song to Pierre and the familiar intro made me smile as I remembered back to our time on the open road in the car.

'This is our song darlin'' he murmured as he hugged me from behind and kissed my neck gently. Then he strutted off singing into his plastic bottle and spinning around, I joined him as I jumped on the sofa and hopped around.

But only half an hour ago, the effect of expending all that energy on stage had washed over him and now we were pressed against each other as we lay on the bed.

The lights were on but only dimly and there were no signs of us going to sleep so in a way, it was a weird thing to be doing but his soft tiredness made it feel so right. His hand had slipped under my shirt a while back as he traced comforting, relaxing patterns on my stomach, and I breathed in the scent of him.

He was going back to LA tomorrow, how was this limited time together fair?

'I love you,' I murmured, breaking the silence for the first time in a while and he sighed deeply in contentment.

'I love you Iris Burrows,'

I shifted, wriggling as I made an effort to turn over so I could face him and kiss him. I was in love with this man, so fucking much. He chuckled lightly as I squirmed around in a desperate attempt to face him.

No thanks to Harry, I finally untangled myself from the duvet enough to turn over. His large palm immediately reached over to cup my cheek as he closed the almost invisible distance between us and kissed me, our lips melting together all too effortlessly.

His other hand traced circles on my hip bone as he tugged on my bottom lip ever so gently before crashing his lips back to mine. A small whine fell out my mouth at the action and my noise made his actions more desperate.

He rolled over slightly so he was supporting himself about me, the muscles in his tattooed upper arms tightening. He tilted my head back slightly as he deepened the kiss. My hands played with the soft hem of his t-shirt, teasingly pulling it higher and running my hands along the indents of his muscles in his chest.

He abruptly pulled back, his pupils dilated with desire as he stared at me, pulling off his t-shirt as he raspily muttered,

'You make it so hard not to do this all the time,'

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