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Ash was really fucking annoying me today. Normally, his constant jibes and jokes would be funny but today I was having one of those days.

And if you don't know what I mean by one of those days then you fucking lucky because it means you've never had one.

Even the poor customers who'd done nothing wrong were annoying me today. I felt bad as I slammed the cup of coffee on the counter for the 100th time today. The worst bloody thing about this whole day was I didn't know why it was one of those days.

Maya: Cheer up grumpy I can literaly see ur scowl from across the city

Iris: uh huh

Maya: Seriusly if u dont smile soon, the wind will change and u'll be stuck with a frown forever. just get home as soon as possible I have a plan :)

Iris: My scowl will never stay forever. scowling's good for me I smile too much.

I felt bad, I really did. Maya was trying her hardest to pick me up and I was just being bitchy and sarcastic. I really, truly, honestly did feel bad for her but I was just in a shitty mood. I missed Harry.

But for the first time, my sadness wasn't showing in a sad, quiet form but instead it was showing itself through me acting rude and bitchy, which was so unlike me. I would just call Harry when I got home.

I stomped home after my seemingly endless shift, the lift taking what seemed like a lifetime and finally, finally I reached our door. I stuck my key in the lock, aggressively turning it and shoving open the door to see Maya greeting me.

'Wine?' she asked with a cheeky eyebrow raised. I sighed, rolling my eyes, I didn't really want company right now. But then I saw her phone on the speaker and her plan became obvious: we would drink and scream to songs until we were drained of any emotion.

In my current mood, I hated to admit it, but it was a good plan.

An overfull wine glass in one hand, we jumped around the apartment screaming to the music, and with each jump I could feel all my frustration and sadness seeping away into the floor and my shoulders lifting as my mental load lightened.

'LET IT NEVER BE SAID, THE ROMANCE IS DEAD...' we bellow and for a second, my mind drifts to Harry and how unbelievably glad I was he wasn't here just for these few minutes because it would actually be embarrassing how bad we were at singing in his presence considering how incredible he was.

Everyone always thought I was joking when I said I couldn't sing, or they thought I was overexaggerating. I was truly shitty, and so was Maya. But at least we could be fucking awful singers together. I took a sip of my wine glass,

'RUBY, RUBY, RUBY, RUBY!' we sang blaringly. The irony of the situation was not lost of me as we jumped around and screamed like tweens whilst drinking wine like refined adults. I guess that's what your twenties were for.

'DUE TO LACK OF INTEREST, TOMORROW IS CANCELLED,' we continued, singing out as loud as our volume could get.

Maya was fucking brilliant. A fucking genius to be honest.

She always knew exactly what to do to make us feel better. From sobbing on her bed, to screaming at music to just getting drunk, her ideas always worked. Whether they were the healthiest solution was a different kettle of fish.

Even after only one song, our throats were raw from shouting and she looked at me, prepared to keep going if I wanted, but I shook my head. I put my empty glass down on the side and wrapped her in a tight hug,

'Thanks queen,' I muttered into her head as we hugged. And I really meant it, I don't know what we would do if we didn't have each other to help out.

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