Sunflower Vol. 6

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We'd fallen asleep on the edge of the stadium, along with the rest of the couples dotted around the pitch and the seating and when we woke up to a misty morning breeze and chills shivering through my body, I'd immediately grabbed my jumper and hit Ollie with it.

'Wake the fuck up!' I whisper shouted, not wanting to wake everyone else and he jerked awake,

'Fuck off,' he mumbled sleepily,

'No! I'm seeing Harry today and god help you if I don't get there,' I pointed a finger at him warningly and he groaned.

'Now I remember why I normally bring Luke,' he moaned. But I was too nervous and excited to even care about his insult. I was seeing Harry today! The person who I'd spent the last three weeks missing. The person who warmed my heart and set off butterflies in my stomach.

Dragging Ollie from the stadium had taken copious amounts of effort considering his grumbling and unwillingness to even budge his feet. Why did he have to be so difficult?

But somehow, we'd made it back to the hotel and I'd changed, brushing my teeth, and miserably failing to sort the mess that was otherwise known as my hair. But I looked presentable at least: white linen trousers and a tight tank were sitting on me.

Whether this was suitable attire for LA in the end of June, I had no fucking clue. But this is what I was going with.

H: I'm outside darlin'

The minute that text came through, it was as though the wind itself was pushing at my heels as I raced down to the lift, shouting to Ollie that I was going but not really caring if he heard or not. The lift felt impossibly slow and the desperate ache in my chest to see him strangled me so violently I wanted to throw up. I bounced on my toes as the lift painfully went down floor by floor until finally, finally the doors opened and I saw Harry's face waiting for me in the lobby.

I ran towards him, not really sure what I was doing but just knowing I had to get to him, touch him, be in his presence that I had missed so much for the past three weeks. His face split into a dimpled grin as he saw me running towards him and his arms spread open to catch me as I flung myself at him. He wrapped his arms tightly around my lower back to lift me off my feet.

I was lifted a few inches higher in the air, so our lips were at the same height whilst my trainers were dangling in the air. I leaned forward so our lips connected and I hummed softly in approval at the innocent connection. I'd missed this so much – I'd missed him.

His plump lips continued to press against my own as he tilted his head a little and placed one last peck on my lips before pulling back, both of us grinning like idiots but not caring who was watching.

'I'm never letting you go for that long again,' he breathed into my ear and a small chill shivered down my spine in simple pleasure of his declaration. I never wanted to let him go again either, even if I knew that it was inevitably going to happen when I had to leave again to go back to New York.

He finally releases his arms from around my back, so I was placed back on the hard floor and takes my hand,

'Come on Iris, don't want to waste a minute,' he speaks as he gently pulls me towards the door, his rings brushing my fingers. My smile grows even more if possible until I could infect the whole world with my joy in that moment. I lean up and press a chaste kiss to his cheek, trying to show him how happy I am right now.

He took me outside the hotel to where his car was parked, at a wonky angle as though he had skidded to a stop and jumped out without worrying. The thought made my heart glow – it seemed like he'd missed me as much as I missed him.

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