This is Spinal Tap

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Maya: Wht the fucky havent u told me????????

Iris: ....

Maya: About u and hary?????

Iris: I'll talk to you later, when u get back from work xxx

Maya: No u fucking won't. tell me now or Ill tell u wot I knw

Iris: What do u know?

Maya: Some little thing about u and harry KISSING?

Iris: Okay how the hell do u know that?

I text her back completely bewildered. I hadn't told her and she'd only met harry a couple of times so...I just couldn't figure out how she knew. She definitely didn't have psychic powers. Her text buzzes through a second later, the answer so unexpected that I nearly drop my phone into the coffee.

Maya: Mitch obvs

Iris: How the fuck do u have Mitchs number when I haven't even met him??

Maya: Mitch is harrys best friend and I'm urs. ofc we have each others numbers so we can discuss the two of you.

Iris: Im not even going to ask...

Maya: But I stillwant details so we will talk when u get home.

Maya's haste to get information made her texts even more illegible than usual, but I completely understood what she was trying to say. How her and Mitch had each other's numbers though was completely beyond me. I mean it didn't surprise me as such because Maya was a master at finding out everything about anyone, but it just confused me.

'Iris get your nose out of that phone and serve coffee. That's what I pay you for,' Ash said in a cross voice, but with a glimmer in his eye to let me know he wasn't annoyed. He really was the best boss.

I walked into our apartment after work to find Maya on the phone, pacing up and down the length of the apartment.

'Uh huh. Mmmm,' she muttered in the phone, not speaking actual words, but more just noises of understanding. Who the fuck was she on the phone with? Normally no one could get her to shut up, being shy was not one of her personality traits. 'Fine, whatever, just come and stay here if you need,'

'Who's coming to stay here?' I asked curiously, it was my apartment after all. She sighed,

'Some guy Callie was with for a bit has gone all possessive and won't leave her alone now her name's getting bigger, I said she could come and sleep here if she didn't want to be alone in her apartment,' she explained and my eyebrows furrowed in concern for Callie. Of course she was welcome to come over here any time, I made a mental note to text her and check up.

'So anyway...' Maya said bouncing over to me, 'I hear someone's snagged themselves a man,' she laughs as I stay silent, unsure on how to answer that. Me and Harry both want more but... is it realistic?

''s complicated,' I sigh, story of my life honestly, why could nothing be simple for me? 'I want more...he does too and he said he wanted to kiss me again,' I pause, allowing myself a small smile, 'but will it actually work? I mean he's an internationally famous singer who dating tall, fabulous models not some barista from New York. And he'll be away all the time – I don't want to tie him down if he doesn't want it...' I begin to speak out all my thoughts to Maya, hoping she'll shed some light on the situation.

'iris how fucking dumb are you?' she instead says, not quite the help I was hoping for.

'Uhhh...thanks, but that's not very helpful,' I tell her and she rolls her eyes,

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