Pierre III

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The concert ended as Harry's finished Infinity to an enormous cheer from the crowd that seemed to reverberate around the arena for hours whilst harry stood there, smiling at the crowd in thanks and awe, almost as though no matter how many times he heard that cheer, it would still amaze him.

As people had begun to trickle out of the stadium, slowly with reluctance because they didn't want this evening to end, I nervously approached one of the security guards, hoping they'd be able to let me backstage.

Considering one of them had recognised me when I was coming in, I desperately hoped that I'd be allowed to go backstage to tell Harry how amazing his concert had been and also to take him to the surprise I'd been planning for a while now as his late birthday present.

I run my hands down the front of my short, black dress, smoothing it nervously as I take a deep breath and try to calm my mind before approaching one of the security guards, a nervous smile on my face.

'Hi, um...I was wondering whether I could go backstage...um I'm Iris, Harry's...' I began, hoping I wouldn't get arrested or something for trying to go backstage.

'girlfriend.' The security guard finished off my sentence, giving me a beam, 'hi, I'm Mike, follow me and I'll take you to his dressing room,'

'Thanks,' I smile again, less nervous now and follow him, having to nearly run to keep up with his tall, broad frame.

We weave our way through seemingly endless corridors as I thank fuck that Mike's leading me because if he wasn't there then I sure as hell would have got lost. Finally, we finish trailing through the maze of backstage and reach a dressing room with a printed label neatly stuck on the door declaring 'Harry Styles'.

'I'll leave you to it,' he nods at me again, a small smile on his face and I smile back.

'Thank you so much Mike,' I say softly, turning to the door as he walks away, navigating the maze of the arena once more.

I knock once before entering the door, not wanting to surprise him and his deep voice tells me to come in. He's slouched on a sofa when I enter, his head resting on one arm while his feet are slung over the other.

But as soon as he sees me, he sits up with a grin on his face, matching the one of my own.

'You were amazing,' I gushed, just as he spoke,
'How was it?'

We laugh slightly at the overlapping conversation as he approaches me with his arms opening wide to envelope me in a hug, his taller body engulfing me completely in his protection.

'Harry...bub...I've got something for us to do tonight...it's not energetic though, don't worry I know you get tired after concerts,'

I can feel his eyebrows raise in excitement as he speaks, 'well then let's get going and not waste another moment!'

He pulls back from the hug but grabs one of my hands with his. His large palm is slightly sweaty from the energy he's expended whilst performing but I don't care. I just don't care because it's Harry and he's here in person and I still feel so lucky every second that I get to spend with him...

'So where are we going?' he raises an eyebrow mischievously and I tap the side of my nose, trying to be mysterious even as a grin spreads across my face. He leans towards me, so close that his lips tickle the shell of my ear as he whispers, sulking with an upset pout, 'aw come on Iris, pleasee tell me,'

I shake my head, our hands clutching each other as he leads my through the arena until we reach the fresh, crisp air. It's only early February so I'm not surprised the air still has a hint of snow in it even though a part of me wishes that the sun would appear again, beat down onto New Yorker's shoulder until they were glowing red.

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