I'm all in

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^^ i dont know whether it's obvious from the title but this chapter is going to be v happy so get ready for it because i was literally smiling so much while writing it :))

^^ also mature content

I was worried this could be awkward, and for a second it was. We stepped along the pavement together not speaking. But it didn't even take him 20 seconds to say something and once we began talking, it was as though even flood barriers couldn't hold us back.

All we wanted to do was catch each other up on the past months that we hadn't been in contact. The conversation flowed on and on, naturally changing topics in the way water swirls and changes.

We're back in the field I was in not that long ago when he finally stops, turning to face me and my body unconsciously mirrors him so we're facing each other.

'Iris, these past few months...I mean I just...I don't want us to be over. I'll choose you. Over and over again, I will choose you. Without pause, without a shadow of a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you, I promise. All you need to do is give me a chance to make that choice,' he speaks the words boldly and honestly almost causing my heart to stop in shock. All this time I'd thought he was angry at me for the unfairness but really, he'd felt the same as me all along.

I hesitate, although I love him, because of course I still do, the reasons why I felt like I had to break up with him are still true. The public who hate me and us together haven't gone away. My anxiety and ocd haven't miraculously disappeared. He sees my hesitation, my unsurety and despite the heartbreak that falls over his face, he nods, accepting of my decision.

'Together or not, that's not going to stop me from loving you,' he speaks quietly, almost a whisper before turning around in regret and walking away slowly, shoulders hunched, and head bowed in sadness.

Then suddenly it all clicks. I made him walk away once, but this time I shouldn't let him leave – we needed each other. We were fated to be together.

'Harry...Harry, wait,' I say loudly, cringing as I hear my voice ring in my ears but for once I don't pay attention as I run the few short metres to him and stop right in front of him, our noses almost touching. 'I love you too, of course I do,' I murmur and a smile so bright it could power our whole town grew on his face.

My arms wrap around his neck as he dips his head to meet my lips in a kiss more passionate and needy than any we've shared before. My fingers thread through his wild curly hair while he cups my cheek with one hand and pulls me closer with the other.

His tongue slips into my mouth, dancing with my own as though they were celebrating the reunion. His perfect pink lips kiss mine with fervour and there's something so soft and comforting surrounding us in this moment that I can't help but melt into him.

He lets a soft, approving hum into my mouth before pulling back. I look down at the frozen ground sheepishly as I chew my lip in nerves of what he's going to say next.

'Are you in this? Because if you want in, I'm all in again,' he says softly, almost nervously yet his green eyes show me nothing but honesty.

Yes, I wanted him more than anything but at the same time...there was still so many issues I had. I didn't know what to say, we'd never had a problem with communication before but right now I didn't know whether to filter my words or just speak my mind.

I meet his eyes which are full to brimming with love and honesty and all the doubts in my mind fly out like they were no stronger than cobwebs because all I really want is him and I will take anything to have him back again.

'Yes, yes!' I nearly squeal in excitement and a grin breaks across my face, mirrored by the one and his as he clasps my hands in his and peppers kisses across my face. For the first time in nearly four months, I'm having a yellow moment and I've missed them so much that I just want to hold onto this feeling forever, feel as though we're flying together forever.

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