She's so lovely

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^^mental health warning

Ash raised a single eyebrow and put a hand to his forehead, 'ooooo you're so in love,' he chanted obsessively as I moved around getting the customers coffee and apologising to them on Ash's behalf. He was really fucking embarrassing me today in front of these strangers today – I already got social anxiety and he was just making it worse. But, despite that, he was sort of making me laugh so I put up with it.

Ash was the definition of a gay best friend. If my life was a movie, he would be the lovable sidekick, constantly one to create the most inappropriate but funniest jokes but liked by everyone.

'Look at the time! It's 5:30,' I speak out, effectively stopping his chant. Until he replied, his voice dripping in sarcasm.

'Oh my golly gosh is it really?'

'Ash. I know that that's how British people sound in old movies, but no-one says that at all ever now,' I tell him, not sure whether to be offended over his stereotype of my country or laugh.

'Whatever you say Iris.' He tells me as he moves to the door and flips the sign from open to closed. I throw him a cloth and as he begins to wipe the tables, I wipe down the coffee machine turn off the lights.

My phone buzzed, and of course I checked it, desperate to avoid wiping the coffee machine – possibly one of the most mind numbing jobs in the world.

Harry: Jeff's driving me up the wall honestly.

Iris: Jeff?.....

The text was simple, nothing fascinating, but even the short sentence excited me. My heartbeat rose as I waited for his response.

Harry: My manager, he won't bloody shut up about whether we should keep the 'da da da dums' at the start of the song in. I say yes. He isn't listening.

Iris: I'm sorry :( if it's any consolation I think yes too.

Harry: Thank you. I told Jeff that but he says you aren't allowed an opinion yet because he doesn't know you.

Iris: Well tell Jeff that's rude and I would like meet him asap.

Harry: Asap?

I rolled my eyes, laughing. I'd never really thought about it, but he was exactly the kind of person to not know any abbreviations, and considering his perfect punctuation over text, it shouldn't have surprised me.

Iris: As soon as possible...

Iris: Honestly u need an education

Harry: Well I would be honoured if you would give me one.

Iris: Lesson for today – asap is as soon as possible. Come back tomorrow for another.

Harry: Haha very funny.

My laughter stayed, a lingering smile on my face which stretched up to my eyes. I could just picture him saying that exact sentence in a dry tone and cracking himself up afterwards.

'What's got you so happy all of a sudden? You're mopey, mopey all day and now? When the customers have left and you have no need to smile you smile? For the millionth time I ask: why do I employ you?' Ash asks me, only because he's a nosy twat and just wants to know my business.

'No reason,' I tell him softly, knowing this will wind him up but I can't help it.

'Fine,' he huffs.

'I'm gonna go now. There's a jumper somewhere in New York that has my name on it!' I smile excitedly.

'You're going shopping?' he says, and I nod. 'Well then I better come with you – there's no-one better to tell you what looks awful than me!' and he rushes out the door after me before I can even begin to protest.

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