If i could fly

678 15 5

^^his outfit


My first show of my second single tour starts tomorrow night. I'm nervous, so nervous that I can hardly even manage a mouthful of tea and I can't concentrate on what my stylist's saying. Usually, I love hearing his eccentric ideas for unique outfits but today I just can't focus.

I am well aware that I have done a full tour single already but performing on stage alone still feels so strange, so empty. Thank god for my band because without them I'd be a mess. And to add to the nerves, this is a whole new album.

And I can't help worrying that people won't like it performed live.

My first show of the tour is in Washington and I move around the country, ending in Maddison Square Gardens in a few weeks. Then I leave America and travel around the world, performing every few nights. My life is so incredible, and it is only in moments like this that I really take a second to stop and think about it that I really realise it.

Maddison Square Gardens is the concert I can't wait for. 16 days. Because that is the day I will see Iris again. That's the thing I'm really looking forward to.

Even my birthday in a few days' time isn't giving me the same levels of pure anticipation that seeing Iris is. Even though I hear her beautiful accent drifting out the speakers of my phone often, I miss her physical presence. I miss the way she lazily traces my tattoos when we're watching a film and I miss the way she places soft midnight kisses on my lips before we fall asleep.

But right now, I need to focus on my concert. For my fans, I need to be as perfect as possible because disappointing them would be my worst nightmare.

Soundcheck went by smoothly a few hours ago and now I am in my room, outfit on and legs slung over the arm of my chair as I watch the clock tick by, counting down the remaining minutes until my show.

My outfit is amazing, once again my stylist created the perfect silhouette for my first show that people would remember. The suit was one piece, a dark alluring blue with subtle sparkles weaved throughout the cloth. The legs were wide and slightly flared, combining perfectly with the collared yet deep v neck. I needed to give my stylist a pay rise, because the bloody outfits he creates for me are flawless.

The pearl necklace was tucked beneath the suit, and it would continue to remain there with every outfit i wore on this tour. It was so important to me now, even if the media started making comments about wearing a pearl necklace, I didn't fucking care. I would never take it off.

Another minute ticks by on the clock. 10 minutes to go. I take a deep sigh, allowing myself to rest for these last minutes before I go out on stage and give the fucking performance of my life to start this tour off with a bang.

I don't think people realise just how exhausting performing is, especially when all the attention is on you and there aren't other people to focus on, like there were when I was in the band.

My phone rings and I look at the screen, just wanting to check who was calling but not picking up because I only had 8 minutes until I had to go on stage. To be honest, I should already be in the wings but I was just enjoying the last moment of peace before I was faced with a screaming crowd and pounding instruments.

But the thought of not picking up went out the window when I saw it was Iris calling.

'Good luck Bub!' she spoke, clearly excited for me and I smiled at her thoughtfulness.

'Thank you, I'm kind of nervous though,' I admit to her and I almost see her consoling frown as though she was really here in person.

'Don't be nervous Harry. You were born a performer and just remember everyone there wants to see you and wants you to do well,' her lilting British accent says and her logic installs a bit more confidence in me. She's right.

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