Everyone needs to smile occasionally

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^^the tattoo she gets

Since Harry left for England three days ago, I had gone to work, gone home, gone to work and gone home. Without either of us realising, we'd began to take up so much time in each other's lives that now he was gone I didn't know what to do. Luckily for me, it was a Saturday night and so Maya and I were going out with Luke, Ollie and Callie.

I'd dressed up more than usual, wanting to make an effort and feel better this evening rather than moping around out apartment like I had been for the past three days. It was pathetic really, me and Harry were only just more than friends, it wasn't like we were in a serious committed relationship but my heart had felt like we were, his leaving really hurting me. And what made it even more pathetic is I knew he was in England having a great time with his family, probably not missing me at all.

So I'd dressed up in a tight black dress that stopped mid thigh and paired it with tall black stilettos. Then I tucked a secret flask down my dress for emergencies of course, I was never going to be underprepared. For my makeup, I'd painted my lips a dark, sultry red and drawn a flick of eyeliner over each eye. I didn't even want to admit how long it took me to get the two flicks to match evenly.

Maya was wearing a silver dress with capped sleeves but a plunging neckline. She'd left her makeup looking more natural, but still managing to pull it off and look unbelievably sexy. If she was hoping to find someone tonight, she would have no trouble at all.

We were meeting Callie, Luke and Ollie at the club so we took a couple of pre shots before we got there, just to lighten the mood a bit. Wincing as the shots burned down our throats, we took one last look in the mirror before heading out the door, me having the urge to check it was locked three times.

We both stumbled a couple of times on the way to the club: uneven pavements, too high heels and a couple of shots was not a good combination. But when we got there, our already sore ankles were forgotten as we spotted Luke, Callie and Ollie.

As we headed over to them, a part of me was desperately hoping that in my towering heels, Ollie might not call me Bean tonight. Hopefully.

'Bean! Maya! Good to see you!,' Ollie shouted, to get our attention and I rolled my eyes. Apparently Bean was my nickname forever no matter how tall my heels were, even if I was rivalling Maya and Callie on height tonight. Callie gave us both a small smile, looking less cheerful than usual and my tipsy mind allowed me to abandon my usual shyness and go over to her and give her a tight hug, whispering in her ear,

'Callie come and stay with us whenever. Honestly if your ex is being bad don't feel bad, just turn up, any time of day or night. We'll probably be awake anyway,' I tell her before laughing almost in pain as I think about how little sleep me and Maya get between our film watching, chatting and my anxiety.

'Iris, glad to finally see you out for once,' Luke cheered after I'd pulled away from Callie and Maya rolled her eyes,

'Her boyfriend left town and she needs to get wasted to forget about it,' she informed the group.

'On it,' Ollie spoke at once, sliding another shot down towards me, while Callie more astutely heard the whole of Maya's sentence and immediately asked:

'Her boyfriend?' Crap. I hadn't told anyone and he wasn't even my boyfriend. He was my...well he definitely wasn't my boyfriend. And how was I supposed to explain Harry to them – they would definitely know who he was, it wasn't like he was just some random guy who none of them had ever heard of or would ever meet. I shook the thoughts out of my head, I would explain it to them all some other time, a time when all our minds were clear and me and Harry had established exactly what we were.

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