Chapter 43 • Judgement

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^ Edited by Hisasihun on Twitter/Instagram! ^


Taehyung asked Jihun how to kill a demon and Jihun made a joke out of his question. Eventually he said that it's possible but he won't tell the secret. But Jihun indeed told him another information: Taehyung still got Jeongguk's blood inside him (remember that Taehyung bit Jeongguk twice). And no, he said that they aren't bonded.

Namjoon shared with the other Counts that Taehyung disappeared.

Taehyung arrived at the Fairies' village and got caught by a Fairy :c

The Fairy knows that Jihun sent him.


words: 4378


Chapter 43 • Judgement

A sound of a crow heard in the opened field. It flew around the abandoned house that was located in the middle of the open field. He landed on the wooden counter right in front of the window. Jeon Jihun stood up by the sound of the crow. He ran to the window only to look at the bird.

"Oh Satan... where's the kiddo?" he looked over to the road but saw no one. "Dammit if you're here alone that means... he's been captured by them?!" he shouted at the crow and got a caw as a reply. "Dammit dammit-" he punched the wall next to the window. "Please Satan please... please bring to me the other Vampire... please!!!" he prayed while linking his palms together. But then stopped and sighed, "he won't help me again..." he felt like there is no other hope. It's time to give up.

Suddenly he felt a presence getting closer. His eyes shuddered for a short moment and looked at the road that Taehyung went a few hours ago. 

He tried to see who this person is, but then he realized why he couldn't recognize the aura. Because it was a Fairy. 

He tsked and opened the door, waited for her to get closer. "What do you want Wheein?" he raised his voice a little. Still had a grudge for what she and the other Fairies did to him.

"How desperate are you?" she smirked and stepped on the first step to his entrance door. "calling for a small Vampire to help you?" she chuckled wickedly and stood right in front of him. 

 "He seems at the same age as you" he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"Ahh... he's still weaker though" she sighed annoyedly, she really didn't care about his age.

"Don't be so sure" he corrected her once again, made her cock a brow in wonder, "what do you mean?"

"Well... He got a Demon blood inside him and he still survives" he chuckled to himself while shaking his head to his sides in disbelief. "It's impressive for a Vampire"

Her mouth parted in shock. "He bonded with a Demon?" she was speechless, "no wonder his aura was kinda strange..." then she realized it. At that moment, she tried to ignore it and focus on why he even was at her house.

"Yeah, that's why... he's a strong Vampire" he looked at her eyes, "at least mentally" 

She bit her lower lip while thinking about this Vampire walking into his death thanks to her. "I'm shocked a Demon dared to make a blood bond with a Vampire... that's never happened before... even Jeon Jun didn't bond with this Vampire which gave him a child..."

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