Chapter 20 • Unconsciousness Self

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 Please read: Try to understand... They all are confused, it's easy to look at all this from the side, but sometimes even when the answer is so clear our brain like to mess things out. So please... bear with the plot and the characters, they are confused and sometimes things need to happen for realization, same in reality. And it's true that they all are bipolar, sometimes you're doing things that your heart desires, and sometimes your brain manages to stop yourself, and again, sometimes you need answers so you try and experience even if it can hurt... same- as- reality.

Also, please REMEMBER, vampires or demons don't give any meaning to sex/fuck. They do it as a sport, they do it with who they want, they do it when they are bored. I did my best to mention it at the beginning many times... I know it's bizarre for you guys cuz it's not like this in reality (depends on who ofc) but this is how it's like in this story .


Hope I made things clear... enjoy reading ❤️


Yoongi contacted Namjoon when he was on the way to the summit with Jeongguk and Dawn. Yoongi told him not to worry and they'll arrive home soon.

The bond break progress has started, Taehyung and Jeongguk drank the potions and started to feel deep pain.

Second before it Taehyung regretted and shouted that he didn't want to break the bond but Hyuna only mumbled with 'that's too late' :c

After few hours a wizard showed in front of Hyuna, Jimin and Hoseok. He was one of the Napiyong, a huge group of wizards that support the demons.

Hyuna and this wizard, named Seung, started a fight between them when Jimin and Hoseok were speechless by the wizard's aura, which felt powerful.

Dawn went the sleep when Yoongi filled with worry about Jeongguk.

Jeongguk tried to endure the pain, he couldn't shout and cry because of the potion that made his body feel like a stone. After few hours of painful and agony, someone showed in front of him. Called Jeongguk 'brother'.


words: 4344


Chapter 20 • Unconsciousness Self

Another hour passed and Hyuna and Seung were still in the battle. It started to annoy Seung, he saw it clearly that she was killing time. 

He looked at Jimin's and Hoseok's faces, they were still stunning with fear. He inhaled and smirked. His hand aimed at them and lots of shooting lights flew straight to them.

Hyuna's eyes widened with Jimin's and Hoseok's. "RUN!" she shouted and ran to block the attack but it was a little too late. 

She was down on the ground, heard Jimin's loud whine. She slowly looked over her shoulder at them, saw that they escaped but one shoot went into Jimin's leg. 

"Are you ok Jimin?!" Hoseok shouted with no stop, he frowned with worry and took his shirt off only to put in around the wound so he won't lose too much blood. It will be bad, when a vampire starts to lose blood he gets really hungry, really really hungry.

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