Chapter 7 • 10 Seconds

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• Previously •

Taehyung told Jeongguk about his 'brilliant' idea to sneak out from the mansion when the new brood is entering.

Taehyung tried to cheer Jimin up and told him not to give up on Jeongguk.

Jeongguk explained to Taehyung that he and Jimin have nothing special. And then the two had sex together because Taehyung convinced himself that it's gonna be the last time before he's escaping the mansion.

In the middle of the day, someone knocked on Jeongguk's door.

• Previously •

short chapter this time, sorry

words: 2928


Chapter 7 • 10 Seconds

Two hours passed and soft knocks heard on the door.

Taehyung's eyes opened slowly, noticed his vision is kinda blurry. He closed one eye and tried to figure out what he sees. Then his vision became clearer and he could see a naked back walking to the door.

His eyes opened widely and he quickly hid behind the blanket, he wished that it's not Namjoon or anyone else. It was the last thing that he wanted right now, someone to catch him with Jeongguk.

Jeongguk opened the door slightly, a small light entered the darkroom, and with it, a sweet voice was heard, "hey" the person said.

"Hey" Jeongguk retorted shortly.

The person could sense another presence in the room, "are you with someone?" he asked coldly.

Jeongguk looked to the back for a short moment and then nodded. The door wasn't fully opened so Jeongguk's body blocked the vision into the room.

Taehyung could recognize the voice very quickly. He cursed himself with no stop inside his head. It was Jimin's voice, his best friend's voice, the one that trusts him.

Jimin looked down, he was sad, "w-why?"

Jeongguk sighed, felt terrible, "we agreed from the very start that there's nothing serious between us"

Taehyung clenched his fists around the sheets, felt so fucking bad for being inside this room on this bed. Just yesterday he told Jimin not to give up on him.

"Gukki... if you think that I didn't come to you when you were in the basement because I didn't want to then-"

"I know Namjoon forbade it..." Jeongguk retorted shortly.

"Then please why are you doing this to me?"

"Jimin" now he glared at him, "we can't be in a relationship so don't fucking fall in love with me" he said with a serious and heavy voice.

Jimin bit his lower lip, "s-still..."

"Go to sleep" Jeongguk finished the conversation and closed the door.

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