Chapter 3 • Dangerous Mistake

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Edited by me please no copy ^

Just a reminder for who still didn't read it, please read the 'MUST-READ TO UNDERSTAND'

• Previously •

Yoongi came back from his small journey (more details in the next chapters)

Jeongguk drank Taehyung's blood and they also masturbated together

Jeongguk bit Taehyung's neck. And now Jeongguk wants to fuck Taehyung.

The episode ended when Namjoon called Taehyung to his office.

• Previously •

words: 4611


Chapter 3 • Dangerous Mistake

"Mind to tell us something?"  Namjoon asked while looking at the vampire that stood in front of him.

"W-what?" Taehyung stuttered, he felt his hands shaking. He hid them behind his back and rubbed them together.

"About Jeongguk-" Namjoon continued and stood up, walked around his table only to lean on it. He crossed his arms over his chest and before he managed to continue he heard Taehyung's panic.

"W-what what- I'm sorry!"

"Chill Tae, what's going on?" Namjoon cocked a brow, "I just don't understand why you're acting like a child?" he now glared at him.

"Yeah Tae... why did you leave the food away from Jungkook yesterday?" Jin now spoke and frowned at his friend.

Now Taehyung went confused, "what?" he mumbled silently.

"Yesterday Jin went there at night, to check on Jeongguk, and he saw the tray on the ground with the food away from him" Namjoon explained and pictures from yesterday's morning entered Taehyung's head.

He remembered what happened yesterday, it was the first time that he gave Jeongguk from his blood, he also remembered that he ran away with confusion and left the tray behind him, and indeed it was far from Jeongguk.

"Look Tae- I understand you hate him and all but I'm serious- if you don't take care of him I'll-"

"No no no! Namjoon Hyung! I'm sorry I just wanted to play with him a little but then I totally forgot! I'm totally fine with him ok? so don't worry ok ok?" He started to laugh which made the two others look at him weirdly.

'What am I saying? I'm supposed to try and get away from this punishment...' he thought to himself.

"Sure mate, whatever, it's good to see that you're serious, it's like not a punishment anymore" Namjoon smiled and then chuckled.

Taehyung faked a slow giggle. It was still kind of a punishment for him, he still hated him, but... he was just really curious about all this, the pleasure, the bite, everything was so different and he couldn't understand why. 

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