Chapter 30 • Hurtful Past

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How Jeongguk looks like in this chapter ^

I'm not sure if people here will be interested in this chapter, but I actually think it's very important.

So, enjoy guys!


Present: Namjoon and the broods followed the werewolves to their house. They spend the night over there. Namjoon had a deep talk with the werewolves, more exactly with Shownu and Kihyun. The werewolves told them about the humans that they were saving, and about the kid that he turned into a vampire and vanished.

Taehyung and Jeongguk had a small talk before sleep. Taehyung told him his theory about the other's hatred towards him. Jeongguk realized that his half-demon used to 'convince' his other half to stay away from Taehyung by always thinking that 'Taehyung abandoned him when he needed him the most'. Which makes Jeongguk think that maybe he really has another person inside him. 

(More details will be explained later. Sorry if my English is hard to understand... I'm bad with explanations and I'm doing my best lol)

Six months ago: Jeongguk attacked some demons with Suho, Baekhyun and Chanyeol helping him. Also, Jeongguk learned how to kill a Demon. woho~

Then the most important conclusion in this lesson was if Jeongguk will be able to control himself around vampires. After the battle he jumped on the woman vampire with his nails up, aiming to her.


words: 4375


Chapter 30 • Hurtful Past


They walked out of the pack's house. The broods started to continue their journey to the north, following after Soobin, Hongjoong and Jennie.

Namjoon was the last one with Jaebeom. He looked at the pack, standing at the entrance of their house. He freed their hands in the morning, they can't do anything against 35 vampires and a group of wizards. He looked and Shownu and then his eyes moved to Kihyun, he remembered the werewolf's words yesterday night. 

"I had so much fun hosting you" Shownu said sarcastically with a small smirk at the end. Namjoon couldn't stop his small smile. "I hope not to see you ever again" the main Alpha gave a fake smile.

"I guess we won't" Namjoon smiled sincerely.

"Maybe our next meeting we can go against the demons" Kihyun suddenly said, made Jaebeom startle from the unexpected remark.

Namjoon chuckled, "maybe" he whispered out, felt sorry for lying even though he felt like it wasn't a complete lie. But, no one knows what will happen in the future and maybe one day the unpredictable will happen and werewolves will cooperate with vampires.

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