Chapter 5 • Cherry Blossom Book

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• Previously •

Jeongguk got out of the basement thanks to Taehyung who gave him pleasure c:

Taehyung notices himself getting mad at his friends each time they are close to Jeongguk, which irritates him.

There was a little Yoonmin moment, which points out that they don't have a nice connection.

Taehyung found a book in the library names 'Blood Bond' and he and Jeongguk read it together. If you don't remember I just suggest you go back to the previous chapter and read the italic paragraphs.

Taehyung decides that he wants to break it but Jeongguk doesn't agree.

Jaebeom told Namjoon that the new brood has a bonded couple.

Taehyung caught Jeongguk and Jimin kissing in Jimin's room, which made him feel so alone and sad that it made him break down in the library.

• Previously •

words: 4580


Chapter 5 • Cherry Blossom Book

Jeongguk felt his heart clenching at the moment he met Taehyung's shocked eyes. He noticed how hurt he was and he did nothing about it.

He may be accepted them as a bonded but inside he also was confused, he never thought he and Kim Taehyung will ever have something. He tried to keep going with his life as nothing changed. He kept busy himself with Jimin as he did before. But he can't ignore those feelings, He wanted Taehyung so badly.

He must stay strong.

He groaned out, felt another squeeze in his heart, he felt depressed and he knew it was because of Taehyung.

"Are you ok?" Jimin asked and looked at him worriedly.

"Yeah..." Jeongguk mumbled, he wanted to run after Taehyung and hold him tightly. But he wanted Taehyung to break first and come to him. He must endure it.

Taehyung laid on the floor in the library, he stopped crying and just stared at the ceiling. He tried to think deeply, logic.

'How the fuck can a bond be broken?' he thought while being frustrated.

He moved his head to the side, his eyes looked at the books that were at the low level of the shelf, and then he caught a specific book. The color seemed bolding, pink as a cherry blossom.

He grabbed the book and sat up. The book had no name on it, which made him curious even more.

He opened it and started to read, it talked about vampires in general. He started to flip another page and continued to read. A lot of things that he already knew were written there, so he just continued to flip pages.

Till his eyes opened widely, 'finally' he thought.

The word that he searched for so long 'break'.

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