Chapter 47 • Lust You Can't Escape

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Credit to Hisasihun for the edit! ^


So Jin and other Vampires met MonstaX Pack. Eventually they convinced them to join them in the war.

Jeongguk lied Junghyun and the servent that he burned Taehyung's body. Junghyun suspects him and threatens him.

Jeongguk started his process about being a full demon. And they warned him not to drink human blood. Jeon Jun ordered to double the guards around the humans' cells.

The new plan is to attack them in daylight and take the doom down. Taehyung objected and asked to go to the mansion to inform EXO legion so they'll be careful. Eventually Namjoon agreed and Taehyung went together with Hoseok to the palace.


words: 5091


Chapter 47 • Lust You Can't Escape

"So they got a literal cavern that's leading INTO their palace and no one knows?" Hoseok tried to look around him but it was all dark when their legs walk in a straight path.

"Shhh Hyung..." Taehyung tried to shush him, he was scared that maybe he talked too loud. "I don't know though but it doesn't matter now, let's end this quickly" 

Hoseok nodded even though the younger didn't see him. 

After another few steps, Taehyung felt a dead end. He guessed that it's the bookshelf, he just needs to push it and they're inside the palace. But first, it's important that no Demon will see them. He linked his body into the wooden wall and tried to find a suspicious aura. "Hyung, can you feel an aura?" he whispered at the older. 

Hoseok linked his body close to him and tried to focus on the atmosphere behind this wooden wall. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After short seconds he shook his head, "nope, feels empty"

Taehyung nodded and gently pushed the shelves. He tried not to make so much noise. Light from the inside entered into the cavern, made their eyes blink several times. 

Taehyung peeked into the library, noticed that it was empty like an abandoned place. He slightly entered the room and looked around the whole area. "Good we're lucky, no one is here" Taehyung looked over his shoulder and smiled at the other. "I know where Jeongguk's room is, so just stay here and don't move! I'll do it quickly"

"Yah yah! no!" Hoseok was about to go out but Taehyung blocked his way. "I won't let you go there all alone!"

"Hobi I know the way! trust me!" Taehyung glared at him. He was so confident and so brave that it confused Hoseok a little. "Just stay here!" he demanded and closed the secret entrance with the shelves, hid Hoseok behind it.

Hoseok's mouth opened in disbelief, "yah... I wanted to meet this demon! that's why I came here..." he mumbled to himself. He sat down on the ground and crossed his arms over his chest with a pout. 

Taehyung walked silently to the big doors that led out of the library. He linked himself to the door and tried to find some suspicious aura. He slightly opened the door, tried to do it silently so he won't take anyone's attention. 

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