Is it really the end???

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Edit: About Jeongguk's grandma and more details that weren't answered, it will come out in the second season!!!

Hey lovelies! ❤️

I'm so sad for ending this book....... I'm so proud of this one because I did my very best to research about each Kindred and about anything. Also I put so much thought into the plot so I'm really proud of myself!

I MAY write a second book for this. MAYBE!!! or just a bonus chapter.

If I do, It will happen only when I'll have more free time... which will happen in a few months... for now I have so much work and studies...

I hope I'll be back soon with a sequel for this or even a new book.

If you can:

I would like to hear your thoughts about the plot / the ending / the character development / anything that comes to your mind. I hope to see some comments here ❤️

I want to thank you all for reading, commenting, voting and supporting my book/s!!!

I'm less active these days but I'm still doing my best to read your comments! it means a lot to me so thank you!!!

Please, respect my request: translations aren't allowed. please don't do it behind my back... I've found some and it's really such a hurtful feeling to experience...

Respect the authors please!!!

I hope to see you all soon!

Have a wonderful life, good luck with your studies or work!

Love you all so much!!!🥰🥰


- ʀᴏʀᴏ💕

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