Chapter 14 • One goal at a time

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*Please read*~ Author note ~*Please read*

Hey guys, I'm sorry for the LONG waits... I know it must be frustrating.

My life these days is around one big test that called Psychometrics. So I must study every minute and every second cuz there is SO MUCH for me to learn...

The test is gonna be on the 2nd of July, which I have two months and I still have so much to study.

I'm doing my best to write the story some time to time, but I won't lie to you, I barely find time to write (sadly).

Sorry for the long waits in these two months... please don't give up on this story... I promise I won't abandon it. 

Thanks for staying with me, I love you all!

And enjoy the chapter!



At the mansion: Namjoon is feeling lonely and depressed. Jin tried to be there for him but for a count being separated from most of his brood is really tough.

YoonMinSeok: Yoongi and Jimin were in trouble against two werewolves but then Yoongi lied to them that they sold the human to the elves.

There was a flashback 4 years ago that showed why Jimin doesn't like Yoongi. And also that Yoongi has a crush on Jimin.

Taegukk: Taehyung drank out of the human-kid, and when it was Jeongguk's turn something hit them, made them fall to the ground unconscious.

The chapter finished with the kid looking at them and realizing where it came from by saying 'Shit'


words: 4001


Chapter 14 • One goal at a time

 Hoseok entered the small unique house after Momo and Jisung.

"Ajumma!" Momo shouted when she entered first. Hoseok's eyes scanned the room till he noticed a middle-aged woman. Her back was flexor but her face didn't have many wrinkles. She looked at Momo with a smile and then her eyes noticed Hoseok.

"Oh, a new guest!" the old woman said, "do you want some tea?" 

"Ajumma, there's no time for tea, Sana is in trouble" Momo panicked, "c'mon Hoseok put her here" she motioned him to a small bed with white cautions. Hoseok listened to her and slowly put Sana down after releasing the rob that linked them. 

The hood's hat fell from Sana's head and let the pink hair be prominent inside the small room. The old woman looked at it and shook her head to the sides, "someone here had some troubles with fairies aren't you?"

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