Chapter 51 • End of Depression

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Last chapter LET'S GOOOO~



There was a past scene between Jeon Jun and his brother, Jihun.

The big war has started.

Jeongguk and Sehun fought against Jun.

Taehyung went to the palace to help Jeongguk and been captured by Junghyun.

Namjoon and Hoseok also went to the palace.

Taehyung and Sehun fought against Junghyun and won.

The chapter ended with Jun grabbing Jeongguk and insert his nails into Jeongguk's chest only to kill him.


Enjoy reading 🥺❤️

words: 3312


Chapter 51 • End Of Depression

"JEONGGUK!!!" Taehyung shouted at him, tried to give him strength somehow. He started to run to where they stood.

Jeongguk grabbed Jun's arm tightly. his nails piercing into his skin but that didn't bother Jun. What did bother him that he felt more auras around him. 

He looked around him, noticed three vampires running through his way. He tried to push his hand deeper into his son's chest, but Jeongguk held him really strong with the last power that he got.

"I- won't- let you- fulfill your dream father-" Jeongguk hissed out, "you will never- rule the world" he managed to make eye contact with his father before the three vampires grabbed Jun's arms.

Jun clicked on his tongue and shouted with full strength, he inserted his nails deeper into Jeongguk's chest and grabbed his soul, Jeongguk screamed out of pain while his whole body filled with dark shadow, his eyes changed color between black to red and his mind went mess. 

Namjoon didn't waste time and put white chains around Jun's arms. Jeongguk shouted out while taking Jun's hand out of his chest. Jun's demon form changed back to normal while he didn't notice the white chains.

Jun let go of Jeongguk's neck, couldn't feel his power anymore. Jeongguk fell down on the ground while breathing out heavily. Taehyung ran to him only to catch him and let his head lay down on his shoulder.

Namjoon forced Jun to sit down on the ground and bent down to looked deadly into his eyes. "It's over Jeon Jun" he whispered.

Jun, after finally understanding what just happened, shouted out loud, called all legions back to the palace. He tried to break the handcuffs with the power that he doesn't even have anymore.

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