Chapter 13 • A Promise

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Some Yoonmin time🥰 

Enjoy~ 💜 


Jeongguk and Taehyung continued their journey to the mountains. Taehyung lost his beg when the werewolves took him.

Taehyung started to get thirsty because he didn't drink blood for two days already. They found a human in an open field. Taehyung jumped on him and drank his blood.

Yoongi and Jimin split up from Hoseok. They stayed where they found Taehyung's backpack and Hoseok continued with the elves to the main village. They reached it and Jihyo met his bonded Daniel.

Yoongi went to patrol around the area to find some signs. Jimin stayed at the same place and got attacked by a Kindred.


words: 3280


Chapter 13 • A Promise

"Ahh! THERE!" loud moans filled the room. One count pushed into the vampire strongly and roughly, made him see stars. "Namjoon~~" the vampire whined out, felt his count pushing into his prostate countless times.

"Fuck- I'm coming" Namjoon, the count, whispered and shoot his semen into the vampire. 

Jin moaned out for the last time laying down on the bed with heavy breathes. "Wow that was... rough..." he said with a silent voice, looked at the ceiling.

Namjoon stood up and zipped back his pants, "I'll see you tomorrow, go to sleep" he implied the older to go to his own room.

Jin frowned at him, looked at him laying back on the bed next to him and turning his back at him, "Namjoon..." he called him softly, "recently you've been so away and lonely... let's talk" 

Namjoon didn't answer, just laid there silently with his eyes half-lidded, looked into the dark room.

"Joon-" Jin sighed, tried once again, "it's because of them right? trust them... I'm sure they have a good reason" 

"They better have" the count said with a heavy voice.

Jin bit his lower lip, thought what to say now, "we're the only ones who stayed here from our brood, so... I'm lonely... can I stay here tonight?"

"Do what you want, let me sleep" Namjoon said toughly, made the other frown and be silent.

From the day Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok left the house to find Jeongguk and Taehyung, Namjoon been so depressed and disappointed. For a count being away from his members, it's really hard and dark. 

Jin tried to cheer him up and be beside him but Namjoon was tough all the time. It was out of the blue when Namjoon called him to have sex with him, Jin guessed it was because the other needed to release. It wasn't their first time, they felt the most comfortable with each other, so Jin didn't mind.

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